How To Get Ahead In Marketing

21 replies
Hei Warriors,

I am new to the forum as of today, and new to internet marketing as of 3 months ago.

To this day i have still not made a sale, which i am not entirely sure is normal or not.

I have created a website ( looks pretty good in my opinion ) , I've finished my on page SEO and i think my KW research was pretty thorough ( i do go over the pages from time to time to make sure )

now i am trying to get it to rank by building backlinks to it. My brain is crushed with methods on how to ahcieve quality BL's. Use social, make sure they are do follow, dont spam, check PR etc.

I found a list of high PR and DR forums and blogs to leave comments on but theyre not in my niche. Once iv commented etc how do i index the BL's? Do i paste the url my link is on into a BL indexer such as indexification?

My goal is to make money, i'm not a blogger who wants their content revered in the content hall of fame somewhere so im not scared of a little blackhat action, although that said i have applied to some guest bloggin networks to increase my presence online. ( i was considering spinning articles then adding my own flavour to make them a little more human etc.

I have also acquired so used tumblr accounts in the hope to build a web2.0 network, i am not entirely sure how to do this properly. I have and read tutorial after tutorial, has anyone had any success with this?

I have bought scrapebox and supreme traffic bot ( the bot i havnt tried yet ) to help out, but im not the most technical guy either. Iv watched most of looplines videos but it seems a little outdated as seo tactics are concerned. i might be wrong.

Basically guys has anyone got any ideas where i can improve, any tactics i am blatantly missing?
Harsh criticism welcome as im trying to learn as fast as possible.

Big thanks in advance

#ahead #marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Who's your target market, and what serious problem do they admit to having (which could be, "I am hungry and want lunch NOW!"--it's serious to them) that you'll solve?
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    • Profile picture of the author Danny Maxwell
      its in the online bingo niche
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by Danny Maxwell View Post

        its in the online bingo niche
        ok but who plays online bingo? Keyword research based on SUBJECT and not on a specific TARGET are 2 different things. You can get traffic all day long, but if it is the WRONG traffic it is all for not. So you have to know WHO you are targetting so you can actually get in front of them.

        Here are some links to give you a better idea of who you should be after:

        The Bingo Books Demographics - Online bingo directory

        The Surprising Profile of the Average Online Bingo Player

        The last link I would say has the most valuable information in regards to what type of language or "voice" you might use to communicate with your target.

        Now that you know the WHO.. you can start with identifying the WHERE as in WHAT and WHERE these people could be found in other forums.

        When you are looking at females from 24 to 38.... baby or mothers to be type forums come to mind.. fashion comes to mind.. wedding forums come to mind ( stress relief ) the possible targets become close to endless actually.
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Maxwell
    thats great thanks, id gone down the "make money gambling" road, however reading those articles it makes much more sense
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  • Profile picture of the author Odiliangosselin
    First, you need to understand that what do you want to offer?
    Then you need to identify the target customers for your business. And accordingly, you will create content. And then the strategy part comes.

    I would like to give an example from traditional marketing hope you can relate this to Digital marketing also as we are following the same approach.

    In traditional marketing banners & signage are the crucial tool to reach your audience. And marketers often place it in the targeted locations. For Example - nearby colleges, mostly you will get the ads & banners of coaching centres & dormitories.

    Similarly you need to identify the group of audience of on the internet to whom you want to target. And start posting your ads there to get the best results.
    For example; If you are running a campaign for a recruiting firm then linkedin is the best place to approach your leads. In the same way if you are managing a campaign for travelling company then facebook, Instagram & some traveler's platforms will be the right choice.

    Hope it is helpful.
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    • Profile picture of the author Danny Maxwell
      It is very helpul, thanks for replying.

      I am not running an paid ad campaign, more a review site with affiliate offers.

      Is the principal the same? Find out where the target audience hangs out and make my presence known there?

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    • Profile picture of the author LLLucky
      Hi, good replying It is helpfull All the best!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Henry Cool
    Hello Danny, first of all... Job well done for taking your time to start something online. You should also understand that is completely normal you have not made any sells in the first 3 months. it happens, it might be that your niche is highly competitive. the good thing is that you are working hard on your SEO which will boost your visibility with time. SEO takes some time, sometimes even up to a year of hard work you won't rank for some keywords. my advice is, just keep calm and work and work hard and you will surely get there. Remember Rome was not built in a day All the best!!
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  • Profile picture of the author jgas
    Look at your competitors. Find out who the best are and how they are generating links.

    There's a good chance they are focusing on content marketing to attract links, visits, and shares to their websites.

    Make a list of the topics they are writing about, decide for the topics you want to talk about on your website, and create some content better than your competitors.

    If you can, include custom images, videos, interesting quotes, etc... when you publish your article, reach out to the websites that are linking to your competitors and ask to be included as well.

    Is it hard? Yes. Is it worth it? Even more!
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    • Profile picture of the author Danny Maxwell
      in your opinion which would be the best most accurate tool for findin competitors infor likethat? I have a group share so i have moz majestic ahrefs etc.

      Iv reached out to some blogs that accept guest posts but they want $100 per post, im still looking though.

      thanks again
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  • Use long tail keywords, they aren't as competitive so it's faster and easier to rank... so something like "free online bingo game" as opposed to "online bingo" actually if you go to Google and type in free online bingo... you'll see lots of long tail options drop down. Its very difficult for new sites to rank first page otherwise.
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  • Profile picture of the author pam2011
    Here's my advice. Don't use SEO as your first method of traffic. It takes way too long and too much work. Start getting traffic and links from other rellavent sites and forums. Too many people ignore forum marketing, but it can bring in awesome results. Start marketing your site through social media and other forms of paid advertising if you can. SEO takes time and it's not how it used to be. You can't just throw backlinks to a site anymore. Google prefers ranking brands.

    Build your brand rather than going after keywords.

    Kindest Regards,

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    • Profile picture of the author Danny Maxwell
      I read about a change to google and how it favours brands now for page one.

      im super keen to start a paid ad campaign but im still wet behind the ears so i was holding off a little before investing into that.

      in your opinion would it be an idea to run for example some fbook ads simultaneously.
      So 1 that introduces my brand to increase traffic to the site and one that pitches an affiliate offer?

      I will def get onto relevant forums and blogs. great advice

      Thanks again
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  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    If you want to go ahead with marketing, just spend sometimes on data analytics, I think if you have a mind of data analytics, it's extremely helpful to marketing, especially digital marketing nowadays.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    It sounds like you are doing stuff, but what's your overall goal of what you are trying to accomplish and what methods are you planning on using? I'm not understanding what your overall plan is.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by Danny Maxwell View Post

    Hei Warriors,

    I am new to the forum as of today, and new to internet marketing as of 3 months ago.

    To this day i have still not made a sale, which i am not entirely sure is normal or not.

    I have created a website ( looks pretty good in my opinion ) , I've finished my on page SEO and i think my KW research was pretty thorough ( i do go over the pages from time to time to make sure )

    now i am trying to get it to rank by building backlinks to it. My brain is crushed with methods on how to ahcieve quality BL's. Use social, make sure they are do follow, dont spam, check PR etc.

    I found a list of high PR and DR forums and blogs to leave comments on but theyre not in my niche. Once iv commented etc how do i index the BL's? Do i paste the url my link is on into a BL indexer such as indexification?

    My goal is to make money, i'm not a blogger who wants their content revered in the content hall of fame somewhere so im not scared of a little blackhat action, although that said i have applied to some guest bloggin networks to increase my presence online. ( i was considering spinning articles then adding my own flavour to make them a little more human etc.

    I have also acquired so used tumblr accounts in the hope to build a web2.0 network, i am not entirely sure how to do this properly. I have and read tutorial after tutorial, has anyone had any success with this?

    I have bought scrapebox and supreme traffic bot ( the bot i havnt tried yet ) to help out, but im not the most technical guy either. Iv watched most of looplines videos but it seems a little outdated as seo tactics are concerned. i might be wrong.

    Basically guys has anyone got any ideas where i can improve, any tactics i am blatantly missing?
    Harsh criticism welcome as im trying to learn as fast as possible.

    Big thanks in advance

    You said harsh criticism is welcome, so here we go.

    First, scrap every single thing you talked about in your post.

    Building backlinks - not going to last much longer, other than natural backlinks.
    Guest blogging networks - might provide traffic, but won't be good for SEO much longer.
    Spinning articles - a great way to put your site at risk now and in the future.
    Web 2.0 networks - complete waste of your time.

    Second, take a long-term approach and ditch anything promising fast money, quick ranking or anything else that seems like it's simply too easy.

    Third, get the content right first. The content on your site, whether written, video, podcast or a combination, is the foundation of everything else you will do. It needs to do what you need it to do, whether it's help you rank well, sell or both. Get this right and the rest become far easier.

    Finally, ditch anything you think might be blackhat or even remotely borderline. If you try to take shortcuts it may work out in the short-term, but you'll be at square one faster than you could possibly imagine.

    Google and other search engines have updated their algorithms many times over the past decade and I have watched so many people get killed in the rankings because they wanted the short cut. Those with great content and natural backlinks growing over time have survived.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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  • This is really how to get ahead in marketing

    You will want to use both Search engine optimization and pay per click advertising to really see fast results to get ahead in marketing.

    If you have search engine optimised your website, then you can Google bingo forums and pay to advertise your website on that forums. The traffic you receive from your paid traffic sources will push up your website rankings in Google's search results
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  • Profile picture of the author ashwinsd
    Consider getting help from a mentor.
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  • Profile picture of the author RazvanClau

    You've talked about what you want ... you've talked about SEO ... you've talked about the technical approach you're taking, but you've ignored the most important part.

    Your customer.

    Who are you serving?
    Why are they supposed to pay you?
    What problem are you solving for them?
    How are you solving the problem better than the competition or the status quo?

    Start with the person that pays you in mind. Everything else follows.

    Best regards,
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I'd say you get ahead by feeling and letting go the fear of being left behind. I struggled for years because I did stuff from a dominant energy of fear. I feared failing and going broke, rushed forward desperately, and struggled. Feeling and letting it go helped me slow down, calm down, study, create, connect and succeed.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    I have bought scrapebox and supreme traffic bot ( the bot i havnt tried yet ) to help out, but im not the most technical guy either. Iv watched most of looplines videos but it seems a little outdated as seo tactics are concerned. i might be wrong.
    I suggest you go back to square one and learn how to do things right.

    You're headed down a very slippery slope...
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