Failed affiliate website.

25 replies
Hello Everyone,

I'm a newbie here and with affiliate marketing. I started a website 2 months ago and it only lasted 2 days. I deleted it after realizing I was doing everything wrong.

I started creating a new one but I'm afraid of failing all over again. I'm a stay at home mom and I created this website to somehow help my family financially. Thanks you so much and good luck on your website adventure as well

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#affiliate #failed #website
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    A site that 'lasts 2 days' is not a failure - it didn't get started. New sites take time to gain traction and blogs need more than one post on them.

    Use the search on this forum to find threads about Amazon affiliate sites - about blog content, site promotion, links, etc. Stick with it and add to the site regularly. It's not magic, but not rocket science either . Learn/do and learn/do some more.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author ashishmajhi
    Let me tell you something dear " you never failed , either you got success or you learn something new "
    This is the thing you should know .
    Especially Affiliate marketing or Digital marketing is a long term business. it need time to grow . You have to worked constantly.

    You should know that " Consistent is the Key Here "

    So work hard and All the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by ConsueloG View Post

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm a newbie here and with affiliate marketing. I started a website 2 months ago and it only lasted 2 days. I deleted it after realizing I was doing everything wrong.

    I started creating a new one but I'm afraid of failing all over again. I'm a stay at home mom and I created this website to somehow help my family financially. Thanks you so much and good luck on your website adventure as well

    [links removed by moderator]

    Every successful person fails multiple times before they reach success. You didn't even get started. Creating an income generating website takes time and effort. I would rather see you start a site and do everything wrong than quit two days in. At least if you had kept going, you'd have learned a few lessons.

    I would get started as soon as possible by creating a plan for your site. Then, implement that plan and adjust after 30 days. Work the plan without changing it for 30 days before you look at the results. Then, make a few changes here and there and go for another 30 days.

    Keep doing this and you will end up with a 30-day plan that works and can be applied to other websites.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by ConsueloG View Post

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm a newbie here and with affiliate marketing. I started a website 2 months ago and it only lasted 2 days. I deleted it after realizing I was doing everything wrong.

    I started creating a new one but I'm afraid of failing all over again. I'm a stay at home mom and I created this website to somehow help my family financially. Thanks you so much and good luck on your website adventure as well

    [links removed by moderator]

    Well, the reality is you will fail. You will fail multiple times. But you will not succeed unless you fail. No one will find success each and every time.

    I think you need to readjust your expectations.. be ready for failure, but keep moving on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyreece Cox
    Failing can be a good thing. If your a beginner you will do things wrong in the beginning it just takes time especially trying to rank sites.

    Start on a plan for your site and stick with it even if it turns out wrong keep tweaking the site and finding what works and what doesn't.

    Best of luck
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Consuelo,

    A few things:

    - start affiliate marketing mainly to help people; money flows to passionate, generous servants
    - consider starting a blog; show off your knowledge, develop your skills, and inspire people to trust you
    - be patient; set a 2-4 year time frame to succeed *if* you desire lasting, expanding success
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    This business is about a series of failures that lead to success. We built nearly 100 websites over the past two years in search of the ones that would be the most successful. We pared that down to the top 25 after the first year and the top 15 by the end of year two. In another year or so, after we've developed those top 15 into the best sites they can be, we'll start all over again.

    We've been doing this for a decade now but still don't know with absolute certainty which sites will work and which ones won't. They are still just educated guesses that we throw against the wall to see which ones stick. Very few are absolute failures. Some make a little more than they cost, some make a few hundred a month and some make several thousand per month (or more). We're interested in the latter and those are the "keepers". The rest get sold off or shut down.

    Anyone who thinks they know ahead of time what will definitely work is either lying to themselves or is the new Nostradamus.
    Signature - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
    We help sellers get the MAXIMUM amount for their websites and all buyers know that these sites are 100% vetted.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eugene Hill
    There was no point in making a website if you had to quit it in 2 days.
    And If you had begun then there was no point in freaking out in just 2 days.

    What I have understood is that you might had thought of everything in a very positive way and never thought of the challenges that may come during the thing! And when you actually started writing about it, you got a feel that 'it is not my cup of tea'; right?
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    • Profile picture of the author ConsueloG
      I guess.... but I'm trying again. Lots to learn.
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      • Profile picture of the author Eugene Hill
        It is fine. Make a realistic plan. The plan that has a higher probability of success. Also think about the negative outcomes. It is always good to do the scenario analysis. You should also study about FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) to precisely plan out.

        Few things that I will like to let you know:

        1. Content is king! And content creation is more important than anything else! Digital or Affiliate can never work wonders if the content (text/video/images) is not upto the mark. So find out the person (or any) who will be creating content for you on regular basis! And are you sure about the quality of the content that the person generates?

        2. After you are sure that the task of creating a content is in the safe hands then think of all other things, otherwise don't think about proceeding further! Make the foundation stronger, and only then think of building walls on top of it!

        3. Do not rush through the posting! You may have to remove errors (mistakes) if any are found there in the content. Take a look at the content 2 times before posting it.

        4. Your idea about the content - should be unique to be able to stand out in the crowd. If not then it should still have a big audience base to compensate the quality issues.
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  • Profile picture of the author BradYoung04
    How did you decide that it was a failure after only 2 days? A website takes much, much longer than that to gain traction.
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    • Profile picture of the author ConsueloG
      I got too excited to launch the website. I launched it and then did more research after. After reading and learning more, I realized, the site was lacking many things. but it was too late. People were no longer interested in checking it out. Even when I revised the site and made more changes, it's difficult to get people to look at it again because of what they saw the first time. I only gave it 2 days because I wanted to apply all that I was learning. But then again, I feel like it's too late. I'm looking for an app that would help me take videos of the new site so that when I advertise it, they will see that it is not the same as the first one. Any apps out there for free that you guys know?
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      • Profile picture of the author BradYoung04
        What is the main method that you are going to use to drive users to your website?
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  • Profile picture of the author smartprofitmoney
    Originally Posted by ConsueloG View Post

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm a newbie here and with affiliate marketing. I started a website 2 months ago and it only lasted 2 days. I deleted it after realizing I was doing everything wrong.

    I started creating a new one but I'm afraid of failing all over again. I'm a stay at home mom and I created this website to somehow help my family financially. Thanks you so much and good luck on your website adventure as well

    [links removed by moderator]

    If your looking to make money fast

    And you have no experience in IM marketing, well your in for a long haul, sorry to be harsh but this takes time and money, most people who have no experience will not make money for at least 1 year or longer.

    Im Marketing is for people who have skills, time and money, if you don't have the skills yet, then study hard, this type of business is not easy, but many people will lie just to sell you something, don't fall for it.
    Good luck
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  • There are many things to learn in internet marketing. Creating website is just a beginning and following that, you also need to know how to drive traffic. All these need passion and perseverance. You have not failed if you did not give up.
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  • Profile picture of the author vimalc98
    You just quit in 2 days.. I am working on my affiliate website for over a year now, and I sold only 1 item till this date, but I am still going at it.
    That is called consistency man.
    Never think that it will not work, just keep doing it and don't quit.
    And one day you will achieve your goal for sure.
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
      Originally Posted by vimalc98 View Post

      You just quit in 2 days.. I am working on my affiliate website for over a year now, and I sold only 1 item till this date, but I am still going at it.
      That is called consistency man.
      Never think that it will not work, just keep doing it and don't quit.
      And one day you will achieve your goal for sure.
      One of the main reasons so many people fail is because they quit too soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Originally Posted by ConsueloG View Post

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm a newbie here and with affiliate marketing. I started a website 2 months ago and it only lasted 2 days. I deleted it after realizing I was doing everything wrong.

    I started creating a new one but I'm afraid of failing all over again. I'm a stay at home mom and I created this website to somehow help my family financially. Thanks you so much and good luck on your website adventure as well

    [links removed by moderator]

    Hello, so any affiliate site needs TRAFFIC...people coming from somewhere to see it, and hopefully people who are already interested in the things you have affiliate offers up for.

    Then it is the site's job to CONVERT some of those visitors into buyers.

    You need affiliate disclaimers, which is language saying you have affiliate links and what that means (can be two sentences).

    The biggest issue I have seen for would-be affiliate marketers is this: nowhere near enough traffic to have a chance of making conversions.

    You are not going to make a sale off 10 visitors to your site. I mean, is it possible? Sure, but it'd be total luck. You need hundreds if not thousands of visitors every month to have a chance of making sales consistently.

    As an affiliate marketer you actually have TWO conversion steps: first yours, to get the visitor to click the link to hop from your page to the offer's...and second is the sales letter/VSL page for the offer. You have no control over the second beyond choosing it as the offer you're supporting. So make sure the affiliate offers you pick have been proven to convert. Otherwise you could send good traffic to that offer and experience a tough time getting sales & commissions...and it wouldn't be your fault.

    Tom Addams here on the forum has a great ebook product about affiliate marketing. Covers everything you need in detail. I recommend connecting with him about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author DigitalJockey

    Even me too was beginner but i still keep going and tackling the situation to gain customers trust and Provide them a best solutions products whatever they needs.

    1st step try for solo ads Dude.....
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  • You should have been able to make the changes without deleting the entire site.

    Anyways, affiliate marketing is not a fast way to make money but it can be fun.

    It's a marathon and if you don't enjoy the journey it won't be worth it.

    Keep trying, have fun failing.

    You will need to drive traffic to your site. SEO will only get you so far.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cybernetmarket
    I agree you didn't fail in two days. That is ridiculous. In affiliate marketing, you either have a referral site or a niche blog site. Both need time to marinade to get organic traffic. There are steps you need to take to have a successful site to get organic traffic otherwise if you send paid traffic and you have no conversations you could be not targeting correctly. If you want to start over I can give you a free niche website that you can customize as your own, but it will take time for organic traffic, it doesn't happen overnight as some gurus will have you believe.

    New To Internet Marketing? Need some Help? check out my free course "Easy Online Marketing" Everything is totally FREE except for website hosting :-) It all starts by taking action

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  • Profile picture of the author natorob
    Here's another idea. It's not like you failed with your first website....

    You actually learned some stuff; stuff that a lot of newbies don't take the time to learn.

    You now know how to set up a website.

    You now have the skills to set up a domain name and hosting.

    You know how to add content to your website.

    These are all basic stepping stones that most people don't take the time to learn.

    So don't consider it a failure...

    Rather consider it a learning experience.

    Now go back, set up your next site, and continue to learn more.
    Tips I've picked up over 11 years of online marketing... FInd out the best ones here
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  • Profile picture of the author Highest And Best
    It's Like Riding A Bicycle

    Ok, not really. But there is one thing in common... can you image what would have happened if you quit trying to ride a bike after the first time you fell? In short, you'd never learn to ride a bike. You are not a failure by falling, only be refusing to get back up. You have to fall to succeed.

    So get back up, make your mistakes, learn from them, and you will soon be riding into the sunset. Ok, I know it takes more work than that, but you can do it.

    Never be afraid of failing. Decide what you want and go for it. Now go out there and kick some Internet butt!

    Don't let Internet Marketing overwhelm you... let's take the journey together! Build Money Machines!
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  • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
    Originally Posted by ConsueloG View Post

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm a newbie here and with affiliate marketing. I started a website 2 months ago and it only lasted 2 days. I deleted it after realizing I was doing everything wrong.

    I started creating a new one but I'm afraid of failing all over again. I'm a stay at home mom and I created this website to somehow help my family financially. Thanks you so much and good luck on your website adventure as well

    [links removed by moderator]

    My websites took almost five years to succeed. At 8 or 9 years they became really good. It takes time to build a successful business, normally decades!
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  • Profile picture of the author digital55
    Failure is a good thing. We learn from our mistakes. The more you learn, the easier things will get.

    2 days is not enough time to build a website. You need to continuously update it with new content. If you start doing SEO, you will need even more time to start seeing results. It takes time and effort.

    Persistence is very important. Be persistent, keep learning, and don't be afraid of failure.
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