9 replies
Everyone is talking about infographics, what is all the hype about? Is it truly effective in boosting traffic to my site?
#info #infographics
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  • Profile picture of the author divyakochar
    Info graphic is visual expression of information that is presented in a way that displays the content. They helps to convey larger message in a brief and easy to read format. Info graphics is very popular and effective because audience can get the information quickly and conveniently. Use info graphics as a part of your content.

    Below are some benefits of info graphics:
    1. Promote brand awareness
    2. Increase traffic to your website.
    3. Improve you SEO
    4. Compelling and attractive

    You can promote your info graphics in social media,email marketing, website, blog, Press release and many other info graphic sites.
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    • Profile picture of the author JC Herrera
      Thank you so much. The feedback has been very helpful.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by JC Herrera View Post

    Everyone is talking about infographics, what is all the hype about? Is it truly effective in boosting traffic to my site?
    Yes. Infographics are great! They are filled with information in a snapshot. People love them, they share them and when marketed right, they can be incredibly powerful.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author K Edward
    Infographics are easy on the eye, more interesting than text alone and as Benjamin Ehinger mentioned, they give you a quick snapshot of all you need to know in a few secs.
    NeonWriter.com: Quality Content Writing Service for Unique web articles, blog posts, product reviews and much more. From as little as $0.75/100 words! Over 5,729 happy clients
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11444528].message }}
  • Yes, infographics can boost traffic to your site. Just post on your site and save it to Pinterest to get shared by others.
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    • Profile picture of the author JC Herrera
      Is Pinterest the only place to post infographics? Are there any other media where I can post?
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      • Profile picture of the author superowid
        Originally Posted by JC Herrera View Post

        Is Pinterest the only place to post infographics? Are there any other media where I can post?
        Convert it in to a video and post it on Youtube.
        Post it on your Facebook Page.
        And post it on your Instagram as well.

        Hard time to keep promoting business? Don't worry!
        . . . . . Let me help cutting your ad production cost! . . . . .
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        • Profile picture of the author JC Herrera
          That's a great idea. That thought never crossed my mind. That is next on my to-do list.
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  • Profile picture of the author JC Herrera
    It's been a month now since the insertion of infographics and there has not been much difference in traffic, as I was expecting. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
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