Affiliate Marketing - Feeling stuck... where to start?

15 replies
Hey there! This is my first post on Warrior Forums! I know this sort of question has already been asked before, but most of the info I've come across is pretty generic. Anyway, I've been doing a lot of research into affiliate marketing in the last few weeks. I understand the general process and have a few niches in mind, but I've sort of hit a state of analysis paralysis.

I plan to focus on ClickBank to promote products, but I'm stuck on what method to use to promote them. I know about methods like blogging and email marketing, YouTube Marketing, using landing pages and paid advertisements, etc.... But I'm not really sure where to start. Is it better to start with a Blog or a YouTube channel? Does one work better for conversions? Should I do both, as I've heard video marketing is getting more popular? And do I need something like ClickFunnels?

I'm in college right now so I don't have a ton of disposable income. I'm willing to spend on domains and other necessary services, but I don't want to sink too much into it just yet, and I don't want to pay for things I don't really need. What are your recommendations for starting on the right foot?
#affiliate #feeling #marketing #start #stuck
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by whitefr0st View Post

    Hey there! This is my first post on Warrior Forums! I know this sort of question has already been asked before, but most of the info I've come across is pretty generic. Anyway, I've been doing a lot of research into affiliate marketing in the last few weeks. I understand the general process and have a few niches in mind, but I've sort of hit a state of analysis paralysis.

    I plan to focus on ClickBank to promote products, but I'm stuck on what method to use to promote them. I know about methods like blogging and email marketing, YouTube Marketing, using landing pages and paid advertisements, etc.... But I'm not really sure where to start. Is it better to start with a Blog or a YouTube channel? Does one work better for conversions? Should I do both, as I've heard video marketing is getting more popular? And do I need something like ClickFunnels?

    I'm in college right now so I don't have a ton of disposable income. I'm willing to spend on domains and other necessary services, but I don't want to sink too much into it just yet, and I don't want to pay for things I don't really need. What are your recommendations for starting on the right foot?
    You need to think about your circle of influence. If you started selling a product from click bank on weight loss, and you told YOUR circle of influence ( IE Friends, relatives, IG followers ) would they buy that product?

    IF you bought a cool Fortnite shirt on Amazon and posted a photo of you wearing it with a link to buy them.. do you think YOUR circle of influence would buy it?

    IF you are selling something you have or have used.. that translates. Just picking some random thing because everything you read says this is where the money is at... will get you no where.

    In terms of structure.. think of it this way.. your internet presence is a wheel and a website is the hub... all of the social media platforms are spokes that point back towards the hub. Social media becomes the method of reaching your circle of influence, and the website / hub is the mechanism that makes the sale.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by whitefr0st View Post

    Hey there! This is my first post on Warrior Forums! I know this sort of question has already been asked before, but most of the info I've come across is pretty generic. Anyway, I've been doing a lot of research into affiliate marketing in the last few weeks. I understand the general process and have a few niches in mind, but I've sort of hit a state of analysis paralysis.

    I plan to focus on ClickBank to promote products, but I'm stuck on what method to use to promote them. I know about methods like blogging and email marketing, YouTube Marketing, using landing pages and paid advertisements, etc.... But I'm not really sure where to start. Is it better to start with a Blog or a YouTube channel? Does one work better for conversions? Should I do both, as I've heard video marketing is getting more popular? And do I need something like ClickFunnels?

    I'm in college right now so I don't have a ton of disposable income. I'm willing to spend on domains and other necessary services, but I don't want to sink too much into it just yet, and I don't want to pay for things I don't really need. What are your recommendations for starting on the right foot?

    There's no real "better" way to do it. Just different.

    I believe people should start with one traffic source and only move to others once they have found success. I think you should just pick one and start. There is no right or wrong answer. Just start. The longer you wait the more you're missing out. You learn much more by doing then researching or thinking about it.
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    • Profile picture of the author LEE BYRON
      I do agree with you, leverage the 20/80 rules to focus on the main traffic source which brings you the benefits at the beginning.
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  • Profile picture of the author mdallen
    There are tons of ways to drive traffic to Clickbank products. I should say it is better to drive people to a place where they can give you their address first and warm up the prospect before sending them to a sales page... Some people do video reviews for the product and post it to video sites like YouTube or Vimeo. Similarly people post reviews on their website/blog. Most people will get people to those places via solo ads and an email campaign or Pay Per Click ads.
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  • Just start with the method that you are loving to do. If you like writing, then start with a blog and focus on article marketing. If you like taking video, then start with a YouTube channel and focus on video marketing. Remember to capture all the leads first using squeeze page before sending them to your offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    video marketing is getting more popular?
    YT is a great place to start as long as you optimize your videos well.

    And do I need something like ClickFunnels?
    You will need something "like" it but CF is insanely overpriced. There are much more affordable options.

    Use videos to drive people to your squeeze page. A simple funnel behind it promoting affiliate products and you've started.

    The real trick, the thing most people have a problem with is sticking with it long enough to see results. You need to be consistent with your efforts whatever they may be. How many well-researched, targeted videos can you post in a year?

    The wider you make the mouth of your funnel the more money flows out. You have to build a presence with a lot of links and buy buttons. That can very well start with a video and an affiliate link.

    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author TonyPhelps
    Personally I think start with a blog and a facebook business page, that's what I've done , get used to posting and scheduling posts regularly, supply good quality content and then send traffic from Facebook to your blog
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  • Profile picture of the author cherry enders
    I use Clickfunnels and I would recommend it. I've tried Thrive, but consistently ran into compatibility issues with their software.

    Your own website, an autoresponder service and CF for example is the cost of doing business.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    If you watch on all methods out there you will get overhelmed .Try 2 methods youtube and bloging or whatever you prefer and work hard in the begining .Many people make the mistake to think they will get succes with only 1 hour of work per day
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  • Profile picture of the author TonyPhelps
    I think the above comment is just so true its very easy to get distracted and end up not achieving - write down your weekly activity list and stick to it. for me this week its video, not really done any video before but everyday this week I'm doing a video - they are crap but I just want to get into the habit
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Hollywood
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  • Profile picture of the author digital55
    I would pick the method that interests you most and go from there.

    Don't try every method that you listed or you will get overwhelmed and not accomplish much.

    Whichever traffic method you use, be sure to set up an autoresponder and capture leads so you can build your list.
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  • Profile picture of the author fredm
    I have a Business Loan affiliate website. I'm looking for the best advertising resources to promote this Business Loan affiliate website. Please advise.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aakash DEV
    Focus on creating content on your blog, and start making videos for youtube. Once you see, you are gaining traffic and subscribers than you can go hard on it. Creating contents and making videos is almost free of cost. But you have to give efforts and time to it. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Rud
    My advice is after you are certain you have chosen the right tactic...Outsource, Outsource,Outsource ...and Automate when you can.

    I have Wasted countless hours trying to do things on my own. Heck You can find outsource help here on Warrior Forum and even on Fiverr for the cheap..
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  • Profile picture of the author Rud
    Be careful when you are NEW everyone wants to sell you everything

    If I were You I would focus on learning 1 important skill. Learn 1 consistent internet Skill that you can Barter or Trade for money.

    In the meantime keep learning, but don't get paralysed.
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