New to the warrior forum

35 replies
I'm new to the Warrior Forum.

I just wanted to say Hi and start to interact with everyone so I can contribute.

I joined here because I am building out a blog to help people achieve a better mindset in their entrepreneurial endeavors, (mainly online).

I'd love to get to know some of you and look forward to hearing from anyone else that is new here or is a seasoned member.

Looking forward to meeting everyone !

Thanks for taking the time to read my post

#forum #warrior
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  • Profile picture of the author richylee
    Hey Gregg,

    nice to meet you, im new as well, not even sure what to learn or where to start! theres so much out there
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    • Profile picture of the author GreggWellz
      Hay Richlee,

      Thanks for the reply.

      I'm starting with a blog.

      I dont think you can really go wrong with your own blog.

      Let me know what you decide to do.

      I'm just getting started like you.



      Hi Oziboomer,

      Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post. Awesome name by the way...

      I have been working in the helping profession for over 15 years as counselor and coach.

      Helping people to evolve has been a big part of my profession. Just figured I would see if I could do something similar online like i do offline right now.

      Thanks for the reply


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      • Profile picture of the author richylee
        Hey Gregg,

        I started a blog, then a couple blogs, doing a bit of web site dev and social media management on the side, but it doesnt pay enough - gotta keep a crappy day job. what would be your next step.

        Let me know where you post your blog, love to check it out

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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    Hi Gregg,

    Welcome to the forum.

    Please tell us more about your background and experiences and what inspired you to create a blog about having a health mindset.

    Best regards,

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    • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
      Originally Posted by GreggWellz View Post

      I have been working in the helping profession for over 15 years as counselor and coach.

      Helping people to evolve has been a big part of my profession. Just figured I would see if I could do something similar online like i do offline right now.
      This is a good approach to have.

      You have experience in your field of expertise and can recognise you have an opportunity to extend your reach by adding an online component.

      You may like to consider developing a simple course so you can have a product to sell that leverages your time and generates some recurring revenue.

      I worked for a while with a company in the surgical weight loss field and there was a great deal of support to clients/patients provided by the psychologists.

      The support was done both during the pre-sell period, during the lead up to surgery and for 12 months or more post surgery.

      We started to have some online membership type group support with dietary and psychological support that continued to engage the clients long into the future.

      If you can create gradually a system to help with mindset for a specific group of people and you can keep them engaged you can build out an online revenue stream.

      Possibly consider starting with a tightly focussed group of prospects who you can target cost effectively.

      The more you can define your perfect group of clients the better you can create content and support to meet their expectations.

      You may find for example group worth targeting are already successful offline business owners who stress about the transitional changes their businesses face moving to a more online focussed world.

      You might find providing some easy to use self-help material coupled with an interactive group of members that can be guided by you and supported by each other is something a business owner would be prepared to pay for. - a bit like an executive massage but for the brain.

      Build that reward feedback loop and couple it with regular billing cycles to match.

      Best regards,

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      • Profile picture of the author GreggWellz
        Hay Ozi,

        Thank you that's some great insight.
        I was thinking along those lines but I think you put it a bit better in this post than I could have explained it.

        I like the idea that you had with the coaching aspect and the membership site.

        Thanks again Oz.

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    • Profile picture of the author lambertson
      Originally Posted by GreggWellz View Post

      I have been working in the helping profession for over 15 years as counselor and coach.

      Helping people to evolve has been a big part of my profession. Just figured I would see if I could do something similar online like i do offline right now.
      There are lots of coaches online nowadays and 99% of them are just trash. Hope you will be among those who are able to share something worthy. Wish you luck in your online journey!
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  • Hi Gregg... Can share with us what are the mindsets an online entrepreneur must possess?
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  • Profile picture of the author GreggWellz
    There are different types of mindsets so it really depends on the person and what you are working on.

    However, with that said...
    A willingness to help serve the needs of others in business of any kind offline or online I think is important.

    I think having a goal that is to only make money... Is not the mindset that will get most people to the top of their field or business niche where most of the money is made.

    So a mindset of growth, and a mindset of servitude to others is really important.

    Hope that helps


    I tried to reply but I may have added just another post to the thread instead of a reply.

    Sorry about that.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by GreggWellz View Post

    I'm new to the Warrior Forum.

    I just wanted to say Hi and start to interact with everyone so I can contribute.

    I joined here because I am building out a blog to help people achieve a better mindset in their entrepreneurial endeavors, (mainly online).

    I'd love to get to know some of you and look forward to hearing from anyone else that is new here or is a seasoned member.

    Looking forward to meeting everyone !

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post

    Welcome to the forum!

    Aside from your blog, what are you looking to get out of the forum?
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    • Profile picture of the author GreggWellz
      Thanks for the welcome Chris.

      I was hoping to meet some new people and to get out of my comfort zone by interacting with people.

      I have never been a member of or participated in a forum like this before so it's all new to me to be quite honest.

      Thanks for reaching out Chris appreciate that.


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  • Profile picture of the author paul45955
    Welcome to Warrior Forum and good luck with your endeavours

    Get FREE access to 18 Video Tutorials about the best ways to Market on FB
    Join my Free Online Marketing Training Group to access the video tutorials

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    • Profile picture of the author GreggWellz
      Thanks Paul thanks for reaching out.

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  • Profile picture of the author violettetillman
    nice to meet with you..
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    • Profile picture of the author GreggWellz
      Same here violettetillman thanks for saying hi and reaching out
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Entena
    Hi Gregg,

    I'm also new here. I'm also building a blog kinda similar to yours. I'm building out to help employees (much likely beginners) to start their side hustles and gain the mindset of a passionate entrepreneur. Would love to connect with you and hope we can help each other in any possible way.

    Hey richylee,

    Since when you started your side hustle? Would love to check your blogs as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author GreggWellz
      Hi Thomas

      Sounds great. That is Awesome. Glad you found me in here thak you so much for reaching out.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Welcome Gregg
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author GreggWellz
      Hi Ryan Thank you very much for the kind welcome. Have a good day !


      Hay Lambertson,

      Thanks for the insight about what I am guessing comes from some of your past encounters and or experiences.

      I will definitely do my best to deliver something worthy here and be part of the solution and the 1%.

      Stay in touch and thanks for reaching out.

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  • Profile picture of the author Nicholas Nalbach
    Hey Gregg,

    I am also new here. It sounds like I'm getting started with something similar to what you are doing. I just started a blog a few months ago where I will be trying to grow my own business/businesses and help others grow theirs at the same time.

    How long ago did you start your blog?

    Nice to meet you!

    - Nick

    Nick Nalbach - Learn to Grow and Develop your Business WITH ME at NineFiveToFreedom

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    • Profile picture of the author GreggWellz
      Hi Nick,

      How are you, thanks for responding here I appreciate that.

      I just started this past week on my blog. Your project does sound similar... That's awesome, stay in touch and thanks for reaching out.

      Nice to meet you too...
      Have a good night !

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  • Profile picture of the author Sawedoff
    Welcome to Warrior Forum Gregg!
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    • Profile picture of the author GreggWellz
      Hi Sawedoff,

      Thank you for the kind greeting.
      Nice to meet you...

      Have a good night and stay in touch.

      Thank you again for reaching out to me. I appreciate that.


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  • Profile picture of the author JasonVanDevere
    Hi Greg,

    I think a blog like that would be awesome! Let us know once you get it going, I would love to be able to learn from something like that!

    I love your point about not just having the goal to make money, but to serve others. Not only will that eventually lead to the money you need, but it will help you to live a much more fulfilling life!

    Thanks for sharing with us, and look forward to seeing your blog come to life!

    Jason V.
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  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    I dont think you can really go wrong with your own blog.
    You want to have an online presence but blogs as the main income stream are kinda 2015. You need to think outside the box. Podcast, Youtube channel, live streaming, or any other cutting edge tech people will gravitate to...for a while.

    Helping people to evolve
    Evolve into what, exactly. Are there that many people who feel the need to be something more than they are? Just curious.

    I think having a goal that is to only make money... Is not the mindset that will get most people to the top of their field or business niche where most of the money is made.
    This goes round and round and has forever as far as I know. The end goal is ALWAYS to make money. Everything that goes before is marketing, whether you know it or not.

    I'm not trying to discourage you, just pointing out what most people never fully grasp. You are one among MANY! What is going to set you apart from all the other "I'm just an altruistic guru" types?

    If I were to suggest a path it would be - gather traffic from YT and other social media and offer live consulting via Skype or a similar service. How much can you make from one live consultation client as compared to selling "courses" or other digital products?
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  • Profile picture of the author arnerog1953
    Hi Gregg! Nice to know that there are still people that wants to help others.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Welcome to the forum! Besides one-on-one consulting help, this is the best way to leverage people who are making money online, and by straight research - will help you to understand marketing and how to make sales online. I hope you do great. Welcome again!
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  • Profile picture of the author markosvald
    Welcome, mate. I am not new on internet marketing, but just created account just today, so hopefully will find plenty of awesome info here in Warrior forum. Good luck.
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  • Welcome Gregg,
    You really cannot go wrong with a blog. Just make sure you are putting out content every week. Given the background you have, I don't think you will have a problem with that.

    I look forward to seeing what you can bring to the forum.

    I personally started with self publishing, and have added affiliate/email marketing businesses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jenifer1420

    Welcome to the forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author alfsters
    Originally Posted by GreggWellz View Post

    I'm new to the Warrior Forum.

    I just wanted to say Hi and start to interact with everyone so I can contribute.

    I joined here because I am building out a blog to help people achieve a better mindset in their entrepreneurial endeavors, (mainly online).

    I'd love to get to know some of you and look forward to hearing from anyone else that is new here or is a seasoned member.

    Looking forward to meeting everyone !

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post

    HI Gregg I am quite new as well and want to both help and learn.

    Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

    Welcome to the forum! Besides one-on-one consulting help, this is the best way to leverage people who are making money online, and by straight research - will help you to understand marketing and how to make sales online. I hope you do great. Welcome again!
    One on one consulting makes sense to me as well.

    I think many people think they can be Impersonal when selling online..but they are wrong.

    ...the more personal you are the better.

    Originally Posted by markosvald View Post

    Welcome, mate. I am not new on internet marketing, but just created account just today, so hopefully will find plenty of awesome info here in Warrior forum. Good luck.
    There is a ton of information in here and I am excited to avail of it too.

    Currently I want to learn about aHrefs and how it can help me in my marketing.

    If anyone has any pointers and insights how it helps them in their business, then I would really like to know about it.



    Thanks, very happy to be here and let me know how I can be of help.

    Personally I see on as well as keeping two shopify Stores.
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  • Profile picture of the author chrismx
    Hi Greg, nice to meet you. My name is Christian and i'm new to Warrior forum but not so new at warrior+
    I'm happy to chat, to share...
    My View on the Net - reviews
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  • Profile picture of the author Jenifer1420
    Welcome to warrior forum. If you want to be too much blogging on your blog. Just have to post new container.
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  • Profile picture of the author seo tranz
    HI Guys I am new to the forum
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  • Profile picture of the author brucey666
    Hey Gregg ! i am new here! but i have been in internet marketing for like 3 years now... and about one of those years is the year that i really hustle for my goal. It is good that you are building your blog now because it will help your business in the future as well
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