Personas and Segmentation in Google Analytics

2 replies
Hello all, I'm looking for a bit of advice and hoping some of you can guide me. I have a client that has 4 different personas that they are chasing. I would like to make these more specific segments within google analytics so they are not catching every person fitting age/sex/location but not so specific I am missing visitors.

For instance one partial persona is:
Jodie: 45-year-old middle class woman from Bridgeman Downs. No kids, in a long-term relationship, educated, working in the care industry, has ongoing issues with stress triggering anxiety and depression. (ie: 90k-150k income, Health care professional/industry, 2 years + university education, No kids, Travels and shops but on a budget).

Now I can segment on Age, sex and Location. How can I try to incorporate some of values like in the description above within the targeting abilities of google analytics, ie Affinity Category, In-market Segment and/or Other Category?

How far would you recommend limiting this segment (how specific would you get in filtering)?

any/all advice would be helpful. Cheers.
#analytics #google #personas #segmentation
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by TAC:Chris View Post

    Hello all, I'm looking for a bit of advice and hoping some of you can guide me. I have a client that has 4 different personas that they are chasing. I would like to make these more specific segments within google analytics so they are not catching every person fitting age/sex/location but not so specific I am missing visitors.

    For instance one partial persona is:
    Jodie: 45-year-old middle class woman from Bridgeman Downs. No kids, in a long-term relationship, educated, working in the care industry, has ongoing issues with stress triggering anxiety and depression. (ie: 90k-150k income, Health care professional/industry, 2 years + university education, No kids, Travels and shops but on a budget).

    Now I can segment on Age, sex and Location. How can I try to incorporate some of values like in the description above within the targeting abilities of google analytics, ie Affinity Category, In-market Segment and/or Other Category?

    How far would you recommend limiting this segment (how specific would you get in filtering)?

    any/all advice would be helpful. Cheers.
    First of all I like how detailed the target is.. that's a GREAT start. The issue on our end is we don't know what it is you are selling.. knowing that would help to determine how deep you need to get.. and honestly, if Google is the right platform to be using to reach your ideal customer.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author TAC:Chris
      The client is a psychologist's office. They are using their website for lead generation and also to allow clients to book in for an appointment. The tracking within Google Analytics is mainly to assist with tracking audience/marketing KPIs and conversions. The segments for each specific persona will be used to evaluate how well they are doing with their marketing / lead gen attempts, SEO and comparing various funnels for conversions.
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