23 replies
What do you think about posting on forums in order to market your business?
I've been having trouble due to people thinking I am a spammer.

Should I look for other places to post the business website link?
#forums #posting
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    If you join a forum and try to start by posting your link - you will usually be labeled as a spammer. At the least, you will appear as someone new who didn't read the forum rules. Not good either way.

    Posting on forums is more than listing your link...it's helping with advice to others, discussing topics and sharing opinions. It's creating a 'reputation' as someone who is thoughtful, realistic, experienced, helpful....or someone who is learning, open to advice, etc. Good either way.

    You can 'advertise' your link here by paying $5 for a signature option....many forums have something like that. If you join forums - READ the rules - and become a participating member rather than just another marketer trying to put his link everywhere he can.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author codyhay
      Very well mate, that's what i call play by the rule..
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    • Profile picture of the author K Rozario
      good advice
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    • Profile picture of the author Moritz Bauer
      Really good answer. And also you can build an audience helping other people by joining a forum. It should not be the first goal, to put your link to a discussion.


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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by NewbieInMarketing View Post

    What do you think about posting on forums in order to market your business?
    I've been having trouble due to people thinking I am a spammer.

    Should I look for other places to post the business website link?
    A link is not value... The idea with Forum posting is to GIVE value and in turn they ( the readers ) will contact you directly on the thread or DM you if they need help with what it is you are sharing.

    So focus on the content of the posts... Be an expert... and ensure your bio has a way to contact you directly, maybe a weblink etc . you don't have to SPAM to open communication between you and the other members of a forum.

    As an example... go look at my posts here on the forum... not a single link to anything no where, will you not find me saying contact me for this that or the other. And yet people that need what it is I can offer will get ahold of me... and if they have taken that step they are generally worth your time.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author labrocca
    Participate in threads positively and use your profile and signature as forms of advertisement. Don't seek out threads to post your links. That's usually going to be considered spam. Don't start new threads just to put your link either.

    Just join and participate. Read sites policies and stickies. Be a part of the community and not just someone spamming.
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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    Like any other forum or website you sign up, it is expected that you must read the rules and regulations of this forum before making your first post.

    Originally Posted by NewbieInMarketing View Post

    What do you think about posting on forums in order to market your business?
    I've been having trouble due to people thinking I am a spammer.

    Should I look for other places to post the business website link?
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  • Profile picture of the author xpesos
    Forums are great place to start your business, but you need to do the right way.
    Sales thread is the right way to do it instead leaving messages here and there.
    In fact I started my Internet Marketing career by offering services on forums, you need to stand out of the crowd, give some service that is unique and provides value, specially forums like WF allow you to make sales thread at relatively low price.
    Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Reddevil007
    It's so funny that a guy joined a forum in the first place to know what a forum really means lol....no wonder he joined the forum just the last month
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    • I've joined other forums before now.
      I just wanted an opinion on marketing on forums and if that strategy really works.

      I do know that you have to participate before directing posting website links.
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  • Profile picture of the author Veyp off
    If you're intention is directly promoting your website and for people without thinking you're a spammer.

    I would suggest that you would buy an ad space here or basically pay for the promotion of your website via any of the marketing sub forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author seofreetips
    Forums are for learning new things, helping others & getting solutions.

    If you put meaningful content, People will click on your signature.
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  • Profile picture of the author webcontent
    Great advice by most of the warriors above. Forum is actually a platform to educate yourself and share information to those in need. Forget link, forget your business, participate for the sake of knowledge and you'll be accepted as a warrior.

    The biggest mistake with most of the newcomers is that they are just interested in posting their comment or signature without caring to read the rules. Take use of forums, make use of search option and try to find out why so many people are there. Once you understand this, you'll know how to use forums and work as a good marketer.
    Thoughtful Minds - Offering Content writing, Copywriting that Search Engines and user both love.
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  • It is fine to post and market your service imo so long as you're adding value. Just spamming with your service, that's not good, and it's not likely to build trust and get you clients either.
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  • Profile picture of the author qtechservers
    Forum is indeed an effective way to market your brand. Successful forum marketing means finding the right community for your business. Make sure you have a compelling profile, a good profile can help you establish credibility on the forum. Make useful and valuable contributions to the Community.
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  • Profile picture of the author PopoffMarketing
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      And yet you did not read any of it.

      Sticking your link randomly is spamming and gets you darn little in return.

      Yes, I did mark your post as spam for the moderators.

      Originally Posted by PopoffMarketing View Post

      Great post, thank's for sharing! LINK REmoved
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by DABK View Post

        And yet you did not read any of it.

        Sticking your link randomly is spamming and gets you darn little in return.

        Yes, I did mark your post as spam for the moderators.
        I guess we should start a thread topic "Forum posting in 2019 is dead" LOL
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    The key to forums is to provide value by offering advice, help and solutions. Once you gain a positive reputation you can create a signature that will allow users to contact you about your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author RuskinF
    The answer to your question is in your question itself.
    First and the foremost rule in generating backlinks to your website is by giving more to the forums and taking less from it.
    Give more quality content to the forums to generate a respectable profile and then generate backlinks in the forums. Don't become a spammer.
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  • Profile picture of the author arinag725
    BBS management is relatively strict, and BBS users are to discuss the specific issues
    To promote your product in BBS, you need to be skillful and bring something valuable to promote your product
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  • Profile picture of the author rickylarson
    Yes, You have to do this to promote your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Syeda Manahil
    Hi All members
    This is Bukhari, I am a newbie here. I am here to research bit information about SEO. I'm really excited to be part of this forum. So, thanks for approving me here.
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  • Profile picture of the author outreachpanda
    You have to do it properly. Maintain a ratio of 1 : 5. Incase if you publish five articles you can link your money article in one article only. That's a thumb rule
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