Starting a blog on personal development in 2020.

2 replies

I want to start a blog on personal development. The content is going to be about my personal journey in life. Since the content will be mostly about my personal experiences in life and won't be about any specific search terms or keywords, my question is that how would you optimize that content?

How would you suggest the SEO strategy for such blog should be like?

#2020 #blog #development #personal #starting
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  • Profile picture of the author cheese1688
    Originally Posted by Parkash Singh View Post


    I want to start a blog on personal development. The content is going to be about my personal journey in life. Since the content will be mostly about my personal experiences in life and won't be about any specific search terms or keywords, my question is that how would you optimize that content?

    How would you suggest the SEO strategy for such blog should be like?

    It's a good idea to create a blog and share your own experience, people always like sich content, BUT I think you should also post some content which would target some specific topic or issue, this way you could create content and target specific keywords so these keywords and your website start to rank and receive visitors.

    You, of course, can and should share your life experience, but also you should create content for example about 'how to stop procrastinating' , you can share your experience in this topic and also use 'how to stop procrastinating' keywords on your content/article and build backlinks for this keyword.

    Do you understand what I mean?
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    1. Why can't it be about keywords? There are keywords for everything.

    2. Get backlinks.

    3. Get your posts noticed on social media.

    Originally Posted by Parkash Singh View Post


    I want to start a blog on personal development. The content is going to be about my personal journey in life. Since the content will be mostly about my personal experiences in life and won't be about any specific search terms or keywords, my question is that how would you optimize that content?

    How would you suggest the SEO strategy for such blog should be like?

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