Query strings showing in analytics

by bkeily
1 replies
Trying to confirm why I am seeing query strings at the beginning of sites domain within analytics reports? Ie, ?/https://domain.com and ?/https://domain.com=, I am assuming this is being caused by something being incorrectly setup through adwords or due to the use of a vanity url?

Any assistance is appreciated!
#analytics #query #showing #strings
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    Originally Posted by bkeily View Post

    Trying to confirm why I am seeing query strings at the beginning of sites domain within analytics reports? Ie, ?/https://domain.com and ?/https://domain.com=, I am assuming this is being caused by something being incorrectly setup through adwords or due to the use of a vanity url?

    Any assistance is appreciated!
    I believe this is created within your site itself and would be "cross domain tracking?"

    If you scroll down to "Error 3" this should help you out: ( https://neilpatel.com/blog/google-an...s-data-errors/ )

    Hope that helps.
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