!!Lead Magnet Assistance

3 replies
Whats a good giveaway promo ideas for the make money online niche - opt in page/lead magnet. Thanks!
#assistance #lead #magnet
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    Originally Posted by laka yo View Post

    Whats a good giveaway promo ideas for the make money online niche - opt in page/lead magnet. Thanks!
    I know about one. But perhaps it is not allowed to communicate the link here.

    Video tutorials on YouTube & Forum Marketing for free

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  • Profile picture of the author ItsDubC
    A lot of folks give away free ebooks but IMHO ebooks aren't the best lead magnets. People want things easy, succinct, or even done for them, not to read 30 pages to get information.

    I think it's better to give away a "cheat sheet", "blue print", or "checklist" not only because they're easier to consume, but they're also easier for you to create.

    The MMO niche is huge so you could simply find a high-quality blog post or article somewhere and summarize it into one of these lead magnets.
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