Intellectual Property

by Xarzu
2 replies
This is my first time setting something tangible up for sell online. How do I address my concerns over intellectual property and what advice do you have for taking steps to lower the risk of someone just flat-out copying my idea?
#intellectual #property
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    You are too worried about what others might 'do' to you. Would be more profitable to focus on getting your business set up and moving.

    You cannot copyright an 'idea' - but content on your site is another matter - and there are remedies for you should someone plagiarized your content. Take the time to read up on copyright and trademark protections and what is required.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    My main product has been selling since 2012. It's been ripped off tons of times. People took stuff I shared for free and put their own name on it and sold it.

    Big deal. It's not worth your energy worrying about it. There are so many customers out there, and they'll filter In to you if they're the right ones.

    Consider: do you want the knockoff shoes, or the Adidas? Do you want that brand name hat, or the cheap copy?

    No one can duplicate YOU. What's in your approach that only you can provide? I have a unique perspective that only I can deliver. Others may copy the technicalities, but only I can be me and coach and consult the way I do with the experience I do. That's a moat, a barrier to entry against competitors.

    Produce something. Ship something. Make some money. Quit worrying. There are always ways for people to copy what you've got--screen capture of videos inside membership areas as an example. You can't stop them. And they wouldn't have been customers anyway.
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