14 replies
Hello everyone I know $500 might not seem like a lot to you, but for me it's a lot. Right now I'm at that time of my life where things are gloomy. How do I go about meeting the goal of at least $500 a month? I've been applying for jobs but none has come through yet even though my dreams are still optimistic. I need valuable advice on how to go about this. I have skills in motion graphics, content creation & 3d architectural design. At the moment, my strategy is to create 3d models for 3d printers and make lyric videos for artists. I joined Tumblr & SoundCloud to achieve this, but I haven't gotten any clients yet. My goal is to eventually become entrepreneurial to find clients and provide services for them rather than job seeking. Your advice is highly appreciated. Thank you
#advice #needed
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  • Profile picture of the author nemz
    I completely understand where you're at. Having a portfolio as a creative is vital. Top priority is to be able to provide evidence to a client that you can create quality work. Following ability, communication and time-management are also key to success.

    I would focus on one specific profession and work hard to get good at that one task. Whatever you feel you're most passionate about. If you don't have enough proof of work, I would offer to do work for free to build a portfolio.

    Once you're at the stage where you feel you can charge for your work, and can provide a professional service I would check out Fiverr or UpWork.

    That said, if money bad enough to impede on your quality of life, get a regular job (in anything), and work on your creative portfolio in your spare time.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
      Originally Posted by nemz View Post

      I completely understand where you're at. Having a portfolio as a creative is vital. Top priority is to be able to provide evidence to a client that you can create quality work. Following ability, communication and time-management are also key to success.

      I would focus on one specific profession and work hard to get good at that one task. Whatever you feel you're most passionate about. If you don't have enough proof of work, I would offer to do work for free to build a portfolio.

      Once you're at the stage where you feel you can charge for your work, and can provide a professional service I would check out Fiverr or UpWork.

      That said, if money bad enough to impede on your quality of life, get a regular job (in anything), and work on your creative portfolio in your spare time.
      The key question is this: Who are you already connected to, or who can you quickly be connected to?

      Who can you provide a solution to a problem for, that they'll pay to be solved?

      Is there a "crowd" you're already connected with, like musicians? If you have to start from scratch it's going to be tough. But if there are 200 or 500 or more of a type of person you're already connected with, you can move in that direction.

      $500 in sales is pretty easy if so. That's one or two sales of a decent affiliate offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by Capitalistmindset View Post

    Hello everyone I know $500 might not seem like a lot to you, but for me it's a lot. Right now I'm at that time of my life where things are gloomy. How do I go about meeting the goal of at least $500 a month? I've been applying for jobs but none has come through yet even though my dreams are still optimistic. I need valuable advice on how to go about this. I have skills in motion graphics, content creation & 3d architectural design. At the moment, my strategy is to create 3d models for 3d printers and make lyric videos for artists. I joined Tumblr & SoundCloud to achieve this, but I haven't gotten any clients yet. My goal is to eventually become entrepreneurial to find clients and provide services for them rather than job seeking. Your advice is highly appreciated. Thank you

    If you need money right away, the first thing you should do
    is assess your marketable skills. What can you do today to
    earn some quick cash. Write this in a notebook or make a
    list in Word.

    Get creative, contact local businesses and offer them video
    services or whatever is in demand. Most brick and mortar
    shops still don't have websites, offer them that. Offer them
    online ordering systems, reservation systems, or whatever.
    Set them up with things that have a monthly fee.

    Check the freelance sites mentioned above to see what
    others are doing. Find something that is not too saturated
    and setup an account. Advertise your skills on CraigsList.

    3D work would seem to be in demand but you will need to
    see for yourself. If not, then do something else like virtual
    assistant or WordPress just to get some work right now.

    Once you are not so financially strapped you can figure
    out how to generate passive income for yourself so that
    you have money flowing to you all the time in the future.

    If you take action and do some of the things I mentioned,
    I guarantee that you will have some money in a couple
    of weeks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11660543].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    You can also add yourself on Fiverr.

    The more places you add yourself too to find clients, the more chances you have lending your first and new customers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mary Annabelle
    I'm here for the comments and advice. I need it too
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  • Profile picture of the author babareke
    Hey mate,
    The truth is whatever you set your mind to do, and you keep at it, you will get results.
    This ain't no motivation speaker.
    I've done virtually everything online to make money, I made some money doing some and wasted money doing others.
    So far, the simplest of them all is selling traffic in any format.
    You get paid upfront for selling clicks whether a sale is made or not.
    I do not actively do this anymore since I started buying established businesses with no money down...
    Selling clicks can give you 5k monthly passively,...
    look into it
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11661344].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Diego Aguirre
      I started buying established businesses with no money down...
      Does the name Roland Frasier ring a bell?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11661439].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Yeah, no. If you keep banging your head against the same wall, you will not get there.

      You need to adjust, not keep at it. And you need to have the resources to stay in the game.

      'S a bit more complicated. Or else we would never had had threads with subject lines like: I've been at it for 8 years and barely make $50 a year.

      Originally Posted by babareke View Post

      Hey mate,
      The truth is whatever you set your mind to do, and you keep at it, you will get results.
      This ain't no motivation speaker.
      I've done virtually everything online to make money, I made some money doing some and wasted money doing others.
      So far, the simplest of them all is selling traffic in any format.
      You get paid upfront for selling clicks whether a sale is made or not.
      I do not actively do this anymore since I started buying established businesses with no money down...
      Selling clicks can give you 5k monthly passively,...
      look into it
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11661570].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tnob
    I have skills in motion graphics, content creation & 3d architectural design.
    Why not start a blog about motion graphics and 3d architectural design?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11661591].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      We'd like to know your progress on this, and whether you started something or not.

      Originally Posted by tnob View Post

      Why not start a blog about motion graphics and 3d architectural design?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11664378].message }}
  • Hi everyone, thanks for the solid advice, I've been able to construct something valuable out of it. Meanwhile , I'm still applying for jobs and still optimistic on getting work. Last week, I met someone online who needed a motion graphics video, I pitched my portfolio, they liked it and I got paid $75 for a 30 sec animation, not much but it bought some groceries. After the advice I got from this awesome forum, I pondered for a bit and came to some conclusions.

    I decided to narrow my focus on getting clients who need motion graphic videos on a monthly basis. To do this I came up with some strategies to focus more on marketing to get more exposure such as;

    1. Join some facebook digital marketing groups and post motion graphic video adverts every week and see if some marketers contact me for regular work.

    2. Open a TikTok account where I post inspirational motion graphic video quotes daily and advertise my service on my bio
    (Since I started, I've been getting 150 views daily on the average and new followers daily)

    3. Start a Tumblr Travel & Food blog and curate videos from YouTube & Dailymotion, add the same video advert I post on Facebook groups to this blog and see if my viewers contact me for video services

    4. Start an architecture blog, where I make 3d architectural exterior videos weekly and see if I get Patreons that want access to the 3d files

    That's the update for now. These ideas are based on things I enjoy doing without noticing time fly by, they are baby steps to get me to earn $500 and more monthly and your advice is still needed thank you
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11664823].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by Capitalistmindset View Post

      Hi everyone, thanks for the solid advice, I've been able to construct something valuable out of it. Meanwhile , I'm still applying for jobs and still optimistic on getting work. Last week, I met someone online who needed a motion graphics video, I pitched my portfolio, they liked it and I got paid $75 for a 30 sec animation, not much but it bought some groceries.

      Thank you for the update, I was wondering
      about you!

      This is GREAT news and it brought a tear
      to my eyes. If you stay on top of all this you
      won't even need a job, it would probably be
      a waste of your time.

      Observe and learn people, this is how it's
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11664827].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Birdi
    So your service could be offered on platforms like...


    If you offer your services on Upwork you'll be able to get leads that way for people looking for animation services or even video graphics services, can build up a good customer base that way.

    Also work on a blog answering questions within the industry that people are asking, best way to find out is join up so forums within the industry and see what questions people are asking then simply search those questions in google and see what other people have written about and see if you can answer those questions better or in more detail.

    Then start advertising affiliate products and banners on your blog to generate some income will take a little time with the blog but long term its worth it.

    Hope that helps, but check out upwork

    Click Here To Learn How To Generate Your First PayCheck Online!
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  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    You must create a Brand of yourself, socialmedia are a good option for the goal.

    + create a mailing list of contacts in your market
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