Will a back-link from Google play store help my website's SEO?

5 replies
I have multiple online tool and just recently I have developed an app for my tools with vue-native. My question is,

If I get a back-link from Google play store then does Google consider it as a back-link or it won't?
#backlink #google #play #seo #store #website
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Not good at all because malware sometimes infiltrates the app store .I would suggest you earn quality links by guest posting commenting ;fix broken links on your website write testimonials etc .

    Back linking plays a vital role in ranking .The more inbound links you get from quality sites the better off you will be
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  • Yes. It can work. It will boost SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author justSam
    it will boost SEO but only slightly
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Seems like a paid listing to me, since you have to pay a fee to list apps. I would think Google would not count these as backlinks for SEO purposes.
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  • Profile picture of the author culpetm
    The link will have a little value, but not much. As mentioned by others, you're better off guest posting on quality websites.
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