by Zane A
12 replies
Hello all, my goal is to own my own business, I purchased Foundr Facebook and instagram and well as YouTube ads courses, my question is how do you guys keep up with the updates with Digital marketing, how long does it take you? how often? ,and where do you get your updates? Considering I want to own a business or businesses, should I be concerned about this? Also tell me if the Foundr courses I bought are good or not, I haven't taken them yet, if its bad I may as well get a refund, and if Foundr is not effective, please tell me where I can learn digital marketing. thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Slow down - reassess what you are doing. Stop buying things and USE what you have purchased so far. We don't evaluate/recommend courses here though many of us have bought and used info courses. Why would you even mention refunding if you haven't DONE anything with the courses you purchased?

    What kind of business do you want? What have you done so far to

    plan and set goals?

    What experience do you have working - online and offline? What are your strengths, weaknesses....what is your long term goal? How computer savvy are you? How do you plan to monetize and get traffic?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11713655].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Zane A
      I mentioned a refund because I can get a refund now because I didn't use their course yet and I looked at the refund policy. I am thinking to either go into health products or food industry. So far I have been doing some research and looking to learn marketing. My plan is to learn marketing and to find the exact niche I want, and the goals I set are to find my answers and do my research and study marketing. Offline I have worked in a store for a month, and I have volunteered in family business for events and have successfully sold our products. My long term goal is to start a business and grow it into a huge business. Computer wise I would say average, I don't know coding or anything like that, however I grew up with this technology. I plan to get traffic by adding value into the eyes of potential customers so they purchase what I have to sell after I establish a business.
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    • Profile picture of the author Zane A
      and also for the course if I receive bad feedback, I most likely can get a refund if I didn't use the course opposed to completing it then asking
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    • Profile picture of the author Zane A
      also please answer my question about the updates, and fyi those are the only courses I ever bought in my life
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      • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
        Why not sort your questions into bulleted points? Makes it easier to answer.

        Originally Posted by Zane A View Post

        also please answer my question about the updates, and fyi those are the only courses I ever bought in my life
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by Zane A View Post

    Hello all, my goal is to own my own business,
    Originally Posted by Zane A View Post

    Offline I have worked in a store for a month, and I have volunteered in family business for events and have successfully sold our products. My long term goal is to start a business and grow it into a huge business.s.
    Wo - wo slow down a minute. Do you like working in the family business? If you can tolerate working for your family stay there for a while and learn to sell more products for the business. You will be getting paid on top of gaining valuable skills doing that. Heck down the road you might be able to become the owner of that business if you decide to head down that particular road.
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    • Profile picture of the author Zane A
      Yes I enjoy making sales, however I am more into health and food atm.
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      • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
        Originally Posted by Zane A View Post

        Yes I enjoy making sales, however I am more into health and food atm.
        Okay continue to work in the family business for now, and build out a site on your time off in the health niche. Get it up and making money before doing it full time.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11713674].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Zane A
          well the family business is just once a while when we have events, I am thinking about gaining experience in business by making a few small startups online that don't cost much, also may I ask you another question?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    also please answer my question about the updates, and fyi those are the only courses I ever bought in my life
    It's not a reasonable question - when you use a software or a program or a blog update as needed.

    Don't buy ANYTHING else. USE/study what you purchased and go on from there.

    Help yourself a bit on this forum by doing this:

    Hold your cursor over your forum name in the black toolbar above....from that dropdown menu, you will see a gold 'box' that says 'view classic' that. It will take you out of the 'feed' view of the forum and into classic which is much easier to post and discuss here. You may have to re-log in to see the change - not sure about that.

    I would say 'health' and 'food' are topics - not niches. You need to drill down or risk being too general and not have a good target market you can build on.

    Do some reading on this forum - in the 'warrior path' threads in the ecommerce and email and SEO sections in particular. There is a wealth of how-tos and info on this forum - but you have to spend some time finding what will work for you.

    You need to learn to choose a niche, then register a domain, get a hosting acct, and build a site or blog. You need to learn to research keywords - how to write good content or how to hire a writer to do it for you. One step after the other - learn as you go.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11713682].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Originally Posted by Zane A View Post

    Hello all, my goal is to own my own business, I purchased Foundr Facebook and instagram and well as YouTube ads courses, my question is how do you guys keep up with the updates with Digital marketing, how long does it take you? how often? ,and where do you get your updates? Considering I want to own a business or businesses, should I be concerned about this? Also tell me if the Foundr courses I bought are good or not, I haven't taken them yet, if its bad I may as well get a refund, and if Foundr is not effective, please tell me where I can learn digital marketing. thank you
    It does not seem that you have gotten business fundamentals yet. It looks like you are seeking to be told what to do, or looking for a magic bullet that will solve your problem. This typically does not end well.

    Every business has the same fundamentals.

    Businesses need a Buyer. Someone who has a problem you can solve.

    Businesses need a Seller. You, who had darn well better be able to solve that problem (or else you are a scammer).

    Businesses need Traffic. Eyeballs to look at the offer. These eyeballs have to come from somewhere. That's called the traffic source. You can have several traffic sources, but at the start it is best to focus on learning one.

    Businesses need Conversion. A tool to turn some members of the traffic into buyers. This could be a sales letter, a video sales letter, a phone call, talking in private message, or some other way of communicating and taking payment.

    Everything you see in the bizopp world is a part of one of these elements. Often the bizopp will be presented as a "business in a box", but this is usually a lie. The bizopp is typically just a piece of traffic or a piece of conversion. You can tell because at a certain point the instructions they give are "and then this next step just magically happens!".

    Courses can educate you but they can also keep you distracted. Pick one thing, preferably a proven idea. Eg. an agency. It is a proven fact that many businesses need certain services, such as web design, SEO, lead generation and so on. So you pick one kind of business, eg. plumbers, and one service, eg. leadgen. And you stick with that because THERE IS A LEARNING CURVE. When you switch from one thing to another you lose nearly all of what you learned and go back to zero.

    I have watched people here keep switching ideas and stay broke for an entire decade. Stick to something. Learn your industry. Find out what people want. Find out what people SAY they want versus what they BUY. Find out what people SAY they will do versus what they actually DO. Then you will know your industry and be effective in it.

    Find your Buyer.

    Be the Seller.

    Develop your Traffic source.

    Discover your Conversion tool.

    There are no magic bullets. You are probably not going to get it right on the first try. You will have to pivot, adapt, test, and overcome obstacles. But if you expect things to be spoonfed to you or handed to you on a silver platter, you will lose.
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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo

    Another member bites the dust.
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