Im relativley new to digital marketing

20 replies
Hello I'm pretty much barely starting in digital marketing space - anyone has tips what to do thou probably would be more useful what not to do?
#digital #marketing #relativley
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    No one can answer such a broad question ( though some will probably try).

    What have you done - what do you hope to do? What are your skills - what type of IM are you interested in?

    Will you create your own products - or sell other people's products?
    Do you have a site or blog? What NICHE will you chose (your interests)?

    There are countless threads on this forum about how to get started - about advertising and getting traffics and choosing a niche - about affiliate marketing and selling on ebay and freelancing. If you are absolutely new - maybe start by reading some threads to get started.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by tatiana667 View Post

    Hello I'm pretty much barely starting in digital marketing space - anyone has tips what to do thou probably would be more useful what not to do?
    Although I agree with Kay and no one can answer such a broad question, and since I am no one, here goes nothing:

    To do: Assess your skills, experiences and interests.

    Have a sense of URGENCY. We're entering a recession, great time to start, but don't linger, dawdle or drag your feet, be urgent. Not desperate, no panic, just make it a priority for the amount of time you set aside to do digital marketing, and DO IT.

    Do start.

    Do not spend any money. Do not look for ready made solutions, do not procrastinate.

    DO dive into the Warrior Forum archives, spend a week looking over all the answers given to the scores of people who have asked this same question that last few months.

    Why not start digital marketing, with a digital product? Makes sense doesn't it? As you do a self assessment, you will find some stored value which you can quickly and easily bring to the market place and find out by DOING, and having that sense of urgency is important, it gives you the motivation to act, adjust and keep at it.

    Do think about your goals, the end result you want, maybe in a financial much money would you like to make and then think of how that amount could be made.

    And, you might want to begin to ask better questions, more specific, give us a little detail, maybe some insight into your will find some great answers, if you learn to ask better questions, so please DO that, OK?

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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Action cures doubt and it gives you results to measure.

    Don't over consume information ,instead execute.

    Every single one of us where in your position at 1 point in time .You will make mistakes regardless .

    I stiil make mistakes today and I am new to certain things too .No matter how much experience we have we are all learning and will make mistakes but it's what we learn when making mistakes that matters the most .
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  • Profile picture of the author toysoldier80
    follow your heart and makes great money at the same time
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    • Profile picture of the author Troy Arrandale
      Originally Posted by toysoldier80 View Post

      follow your heart and makes great money at the same time
      this one i only
      believe is good to a certain extent--

      if there's no market for what you love, the. you won't make great money.

      for example, my lifelong passion is fiction writing and i recently self published some (readable, edited) fiction books and loved doing it all, and yet haven't made great made money from it because my passion was not also promoting them in the proper way!
      so i'm satisfied to leave the fiction writing alone for now and pursue what IS selling online.
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  • Profile picture of the author tedroger
    Without your knowing your experience no one will tell you what will help you. You will have to find your interest and start exploring. If you are interested in affiliate marketing there are many tips on the forum where you can learn new things, but the better option will be to hire a coach to teach you the skill.
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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    Better get started reading around the forum rules -
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  • Profile picture of the author Mauro Gallone
    You can start by finding a strong skill to study in depth with free resources as well. For example Facebook Ads, Google ADS, ecommerce creation, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author thedark
    You should first search and learn the basics, and then ask specific questions

    Automatically add affiliate links in your website content with Auto Affiliate Links

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  • you have to learn ppc and ppv traffic how to get it how to filtre it as a proffisionel like me and other marketers
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  • Profile picture of the author rclemente
    Hello, how is everyone doing?

    Yes, Jamall I agree with what you stated take action is the key! So, true we all make mistakes man don't worry about that just pick something you love to do and just do it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jambo Shop
    There's so many things to do and not to do, and it's very difficult to mention everything here. Simply you can do Whitehat marketing with Do-follow backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author kelvinmith
    just find your interest and start exploring this is the best thing you can do easliy
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  • Profile picture of the author SaachiServices
    Hi Tatiana
    How are you?
    Dekho Tatiana You will find many course providers for digital marketing offline and online. According to me, you should start with content writing first. After that, you learn how to promote content and how to market it. From this, you will be able to learn two things, one blogging, and the other service marketing. For blogging, apart from the content, you have to pay attention to many other things, how to write AdSense and in service marketing, there are many other factors apart from SEO Practice through marketing. like google ad
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  • Profile picture of the author Fredy Mendoza
    The opportunities of Digital Marketing lie in taking advantage of the fact that people spend more and more time connected to the Internet.

    Today our daily activities are carried out to a large extent digitally, that is, using devices connected to the Internet and online applications.

    This represents an area of opportunity for your business to offer an interactive shopping experience through the development of innovative ways to help people buy and connect with companies, products and services.

    Selling online allows you to reach new customers and consolidate the relationship with those you already have.

    You can sell in a specific area, worldwide, or both, and find out what your customers want and need with the help of data analytics tools.

    (Moderator edit: no links in posts - pls read forum rules - thank you)
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  • Profile picture of the author swiit solutions
    Just try to practice something small to the biggest. And you will see the result!
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  • Profile picture of the author Achal shah
    Explore the forum sections and build a skill. For an example, SEO, affiliate marketing, Email Marketing, SMO erc.
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  • Profile picture of the author volcan
    A lot of information in the internet a lot of tips in youtube . find what will be better fo ryou .
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  • Profile picture of the author novaliea2
    Hello, how is everyone doing?
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  • Profile picture of the author Helvis Smoteks
    Go watch all the videos in HubSpot academy
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