YouTube SEO and Views

2 replies

I am starting a small channel on AI Remakes of Silent-Era films (I think is different and better than %99 of ai videos).

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I am struggling to get new visits. I bought 35 k views on upwork but still really few visits after that.

I was thinking on doing some SEO. Here are my questions. Sorry my ignorance.

1- Best site to purchase YouTube SEO?
2- Best time to do YouTube SEO? (the video has been live for less than one week).
3- Best method?
4- Is it OK to purchase 2-3 SEOs from different sources? Or is best to stick with just one vendor?
5- Is Fiverr remotely acceptable? (it's the easier for me in terms of payment method)

#seo #views #youtube
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by nickhalaban View Post


    I am starting a small channel on AI Remakes of Silent-Era films (I think is different and better than %99 of ai videos).

    [link removed by moderator]

    I am struggling to get new visits. I bought 35 k views on upwork but still really few visits after that.

    I was thinking on doing some SEO. Here are my questions. Sorry my ignorance.

    1- Best site to purchase YouTube SEO?
    2- Best time to do YouTube SEO? (the video has been live for less than one week).
    3- Best method?
    4- Is it OK to purchase 2-3 SEOs from different sources? Or is best to stick with just one vendor?
    5- Is Fiverr remotely acceptable? (it's the easier for me in terms of payment method)

    You are wrong, thinking about SEO on Youtube. On Youtube, it's how many views you have, and how well your titles, keywords, and description match what the viewer is looking for.

    A good title is what gets your video seen on Google, and gets the video watched on Youtube.

    There are several books on Amazon about how to create titles and descriptions that draw viewers.

    I just bought this book, YouTube Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Following and Making Money as a Video Influencer. It explains, in detail, how to get your videos seen.
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author Seotra
    As for Youtube SEO, the single most important area to focus on is the keywords in your title and description.
    Fiverr may be the fastest place to find an SEO person.. but be careful, some Fiverr contractors can waste your time.
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