What happened to all the awesome courses like Traffic Secrets?

by juggle
8 replies
I'm a grizzled old internet marketer from the old days, back when internet marketing courses would have huge anticipated launches, like John Reese's Traffic Secrets, back when Frank Kern was huge with Mass Control, etc.

Now you do searches for internet marketing courses and the results are filled with low quality blog posts, and boring generic courses.

Are there still great new courses out there? Or has everything moved to Udemy now? Where can I find these mega courses that really teach the nitty gritty of everything?
#awesome #courses #happened #secrets #traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by juggle View Post

    I'm a grizzled old internet marketer from the old days, back when internet marketing courses would have huge anticipated launches, like John Reese's Traffic Secrets, back when Frank Kern was huge with Mass Control, etc.

    Now you do searches for internet marketing courses and the results are filled with low quality blog posts, and boring generic courses.

    Are there still great new courses out there? Or has everything moved to Udemy now? Where can I find these mega courses that really teach the nitty gritty of everything?

    I'm pretty sure that most of the experienced marketers here are
    self-taught since there weren't any books or courses in the very
    beginning of internet marketing, but I have no way of knowing
    and I can only speak for myself.

    I started my first online business after reading a mail order book,
    referring to a wholesale directory, and watching a TV series from
    C-NET called The Web.

    I remember a 12-year-old on the show talking about setting up
    websites and figured that it must not be too difficult.

    The only course I ever took was on setting up sales funnels,
    but I have read several books over the years and I watch a lot
    of YouTubes to keep up with current trends on whatever is
    relevant to me. And of course I have gained priceless knowledge
    from actual experience.

    I don't know of any nitty gritty courses, you would probably need
    to take several individual courses in the areas that you think you
    are lacking. Or you can just spend a few days reading through
    this forum, there is a wealth of information here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by juggle View Post

    I'm a grizzled old internet marketer from the old days, back when internet marketing courses would have huge anticipated launches, like John Reese's Traffic Secrets, back when Frank Kern was huge with Mass Control, etc.

    Now you do searches for internet marketing courses and the results are filled with low quality blog posts, and boring generic courses.

    Are there still great new courses out there? Or has everything moved to Udemy now? Where can I find these mega courses that really teach the nitty gritty of everything?
    I'm a little confused why a grizzled old internet marketer from the old days is still looking for a course that teaches the nitty gritty in 2023, but most of the early celebrity marketers have made their money and gone elsewhere.

    While there's probably a limit to how many times you can repackage an idea or how long you can maintain a persona, the reason you don't notice so many big fish nowadays is that the pond has grown exponentially, making it harder for any one marketer to stand out.

    There's also a whole breed of newcomers who grew up after the internet and many of them tend to use YouTube as their go-to tutorial platform.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11767374].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author juggle
      Because back when I was heavily involved in internet marketing, there was no tiktok, no smart phones, no social media like it is today. I'm wanting to quickly be up to speed with all that stuff
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  • probably the internet is the best teacher
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    I would say that over the years, the market has simply been flooded with all the garbage that has been launched on Warrior Plus and JVZoo, and therefore, naturally, there is less and less choice over time because people who bought it earlier realized in masses that they were being fooled.

    With the pointless hype and false promises, people naturally become a bit smarter over time, I would say.

    And the opportunities to release high-quality courses naturally decrease over time when, in essence the key points on which one must focus to become successful rarely change significantly, for example in affiliate marketing.

    Otherwise, I can only give you the tip that there are supposed to be a few useful courses on Gumroad from time to time.
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  • Profile picture of the author ra42
    Looks like all cources will die , because a lot info in the internet .
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Originally Posted by juggle View Post

    I'm a grizzled old internet marketer from the old days, back when internet marketing courses would have huge anticipated launches, like John Reese's Traffic Secrets, back when Frank Kern was huge with Mass Control, etc.

    Now you do searches for internet marketing courses and the results are filled with low quality blog posts, and boring generic courses.

    Are there still great new courses out there? Or has everything moved to Udemy now? Where can I find these mega courses that really teach the nitty gritty of everything?
    Frank Kern himself has an offer for a bunch of courses for a few bucks, like 4 courses for $4. I googled "frank kern cheap courses" and came up with a bunch of results.

    Russell Brunson bought Dan Kennedy's IP and has a similar sort of offer. At the Magnetic Marketing site they have an offer for a bunch of stuff for free signup.

    The fundamentals don't change. You still need eyeballs (traffic) and a method of turning some into customers (conversion). You can dress it up, share syntax (the order and commands to make things happen), the platforms can change, but the basics remain the same.

    If you knew how to do it back then, you ought to know how to do it now. Some elements like learning how to run FB ads could be a challenge, but you can always outsource that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
    The old days are gone my friend. No point in hoping for them again.

    Frank Kern just offered about 4 of his courses on fb for $4

    If you want to see what people are marketing i would advise fb account
    once they realize you market they will start sending you things.

    Originally Posted by juggle View Post

    I'm a grizzled old internet marketer from the old days, back when internet marketing courses would have huge anticipated launches, like John Reese's Traffic Secrets, back when Frank Kern was huge with Mass Control, etc.

    Now you do searches for internet marketing courses and the results are filled with low quality blog posts, and boring generic courses.

    Are there still great new courses out there? Or has everything moved to Udemy now? Where can I find these mega courses that really teach the nitty gritty of everything?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11769889].message }}
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