The 3 hour fast start to begin your IM journey. Consumerism.

7 replies
This is ONE way to get a fast start with your IM journey. Give yourself 3 hours, and you will be off to a very good beginning.

You will find great how-to information here at Warrior Forum, but you may have to do searches and do some deep digging, but you will find tons of FREE how-to info on Internet Marketing and Making Money Online.

This post is just ONE of many ways you can begin. It will take you about 3 hours, you need a notebook (or paper) and a pen/pencil/crayon (something to write with, NOT TYPE).

First step, go to Bing or Google and do an IMAGE search for Maslow Pyramid. Pick a couple and then visit the website, and take notes, just basic overview of the needs and wants as seen on the Pyramid.

In your notebook draw a few pyramids, these are tools. No one is going to grade you, be as sloppy as you want, this is for you to use only. Don't be afraid to waste a few sheets of paper, ok?
At the bottom of the Maslow Pyramid (MP hereafter) are BASIC human needs, big three are food, clothing, shelter. All of these are Multi-Trillion dollar industries. Take FOOD. Sure, Kraft, Heinz, and General Mills are giant players in the food game but so is Carol, who sells her home baked cookies online. Cookies are hardly a need are they?... but they are a WANT.

Mansions and efficiency apartments are both shelter...but there again is a need vs a want.

The purpose of this first hour is to open your eyes, open your mind to the big world of possibilities that exist for you. Start in your kitchen, we'll stay with food for now. Look in your fridge, cupboards and shelves. What do you see? You do see needs, BUT, mostly you will see WANTS.

Write down as many foods as you can and put N for need, and W for want next to it. List as many as you can, and while doing this, maybe also list the store or where you bought them.

The whole thing so far should take about half an hour, and now move to the bedroom to look in your closets for CLOTHING. Again, use a new pyramid and list the kind of clothing, and where you bought it. Spend about 10 minutes here, then hit the bathroom, living room or any other room you have.

At the end of this first HOUR, you will see several things.

First, you are a CONSUMER. And if you want to make money online, or with IM, you are going to have to have something to offer to other consumers, be they a person, business, company, organization or gov't order for you TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE...

You must have transactions which have an exchange of value, most often their money for your goods or services, right ?

Congrats on your first hour. You have laid a foundation of understanding CONSUMERISM and have shown yourself many different markets, niches and needs/wants. Now you have to start to build on this foundation to find what could be the best way for you to enter into profitable Online TRANSACTIONS.

Hour two. Go to writeforwealthclub dot com and hit the Copywriter's Tool Kit image on the right side. On the page that comes up you will find an image of the PictoGram of Persuasion, right click this and save the image. Then write it out by hand, this should take about 15 minutes.

Now you have created two tools, the first the Maslow Pyramid with your choices on it, and now the. POP, and by the way, you MUST write these out by hand. Gary Halbert taught me that 50 years ago and there is a reason why you want to write it out by hand and not just cut and paste.

On the POP, you see that you the SELLER or OFFER MAKER has something for the person on the right. Spend the rest of the 45 minutes trying to match your purchases with those things which got and held your attention all the way through the transaction. With groceries it is easy, most from the same store. The other things in your home have to be looked at carefully and try to analyze how the transaction took place.

Hour three. Now on a new page write out all the websites you have visited the last 3 days, note any sales page you visited, and note why you either bought or didn't buy what was being offered.

OK, if you actually are serious about your IM journey, and have invested the 3 hours as presented, you are NOW ready to examine what may be the best suited path for you to take.

What you have done, in effect, is compiled an AVATAR as you, the customer, you the consumer and you the client.

From this, you can see where and how to become the peddlar, professional, or the prospect.

The fastest way to start IM is to offer your mirror avatars the same products you use. Or some variation of them. Say you have a cat, and you buy canned cat food.

Well, selling homemade dog bones and doggie hats is probably something you know nothing about. What the intent is, IS, to get you offer on the right foot, doing things which are familiar to you and in markets and niches you already know something about.

This 3 hours is about self discovery, and IF you were to spend the time and DO it, then you would have a lot of questions, but also, a better understanding of ALL CONSUMERS.

And that one thing is: at any given time of the day, all of us are PREOCCUPIED with both top of mind daily activities and life long desires and wants. A single guy might be thinking pizza and a beer right now, but he may also have a mate, companion and red hot lover on his mind, hopefully, he finds all three in the same person. Ha!

This three hour exercise will make you alert to what people are thinking of, what they want, and how you can create a preoccupational interrupter to get their attention.

Now, any questions from those that actually do it?

#begin #consumerism #fast #hour #journey #start
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    It is my opinion it should not take more than 10 hours to figure out where one should begin with their Internet Marketing. And IM has one major intent, and maybe, for some, a couple of minor ones. Make Money Online is the INTENT for almost all who come here.

    IM can be used for branding, awareness campaigns, influencer platforms, etc.

    But most come here to learn how to make money online, IM=$$$$

    Also, 20+ years of Warriors show most new folks don't have a clue, and in fact, I think they come with the wrong attitude, of GETTING. I'm glad to see Dr. Mani back and participating, a guy who saves lives and is highly qualified to give advice on IM. I quote him:

    It may sound paradoxical, but the more you obsess about how to "generate a sale", the harder it seems to get... yet once you shift mental gears and focus on how to "add value to a visitor", you magically begin to sell more.

    OR as I write in just about every other post I make, what can you GIVE?

    The first 3 hours of discovery: you are a consumer, a customer and possibly a client.

    YOU, like the rest of us, have needs and wants. You routinely BUY stuff.

    The discovery phase showed some primary preoccupations, and revealed some of your own too. The PictoGram Of Persuasion showed you live in your bubble, your prospects live in another.

    So the next 3 hours is understanding your intent. To change from a customer, consumer, and/or client into a

    PROVIDER, PEDDLER or PROFESSIONAL or even a pitchperson.

    You saw your own transactions in the first 3 hours, you saw money leaving your wallet and going into THEIRS. Now you want to reverse that.

    In order to have money coming in, you have to have something of value going out.

    This is where you spend time analyzing yourself, maybe even taking some free online tests for aptitude, personality and such. This and taking a look at your junk, as it relates to any hobbies, interests or things you spend your Xtra money on.

    It could be the best place to start your IM, know the market. As a consumer, you might know who the best providers are. This is an asset.

    And what you want to do now is to list all your assets and begin searching for similar interests and note how others are doing it.

    I'll continue, but take a pause for any questions, so far?

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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    I would have needed something like that when I started a few years ago..
    But even now it offers good food for thought, especially to become aware of consumer behavior etc.

    Looking forward to the continuation
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11775989].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by TobiMDD View Post

      I would have needed something like that when I started a few years ago..
      But even now it offers good food for thought, especially to become aware of consumer behavior etc.
      Looking forward to the continuation
      Thanks TobiMDD, I seriously doubt if anyone will actually do it. But it is here, I did my part.

      Before I do continue, and there is much more...I must go back in time to the 9th grade when my Jr. High School Guidance counselor did my high school assessment in about 2 mins:

      NOT college material. Shop teacher fears you will cut your arm off. Music teacher said your voice ruined her day. Art teacher just laughed. Chances are you won't ever graduate, so take whatever you want, the business courses are pretty remedial, you may be able to make it through those.

      And I barely did. A semi-solid D in most of them; business law, business math, salesmanship.

      Little did I know then that this "remedial" education would allow for some success, and cut some LEARNING time down to almost nothing. Some friends went on to higher education, even grad schools, and many got stuck in jobs and careers they hated. Lucky for me I was so dumb as a kid.

      I said this is just ONE way to go about it. It is based on CONSUMERISM and the reasons why people buy stuff. When you know this, making money gets so easy.

      But there are other models to follow: the processes model, the mirror (do what I do, get what I got {fallacy})...the system, the franchise model, etc., etc.

      Any and all could be a way to reach your IM, MMO goals. The consumerism model covers all of them. Today, I see maybe 4, or 5 different IM types.

      Type one is the rainbow chaser, shiny object attention grabber, day dream believer of gurus who show one the way.

      This is what we get mostly here at WF. is set up that way.

      There is no right or wrong way, but there probably is a way which best suits any given person. But that requires self awareness. And understanding WANT/NEED.

      Many of us old guys had to learn by trial and error, and it took years to hone our skills, whereas today, it is pretty easy for anyone who is committed to success, to reach a sustainable income from IM in less than 3 years. But, again, that requires commitment.

      Today, the person online sharing the most DEPTH, and with real world results to back it up... is Alen Sultanic of Nothing Held Back Facebook group. He gets WHY people buy and why they do what they do. But he did study and read for years and years to get to this point.

      I believe most Warriors don't really have what it takes to be successful. But I also believe there are a FEW who do, and so they should be given every tool in the box to achieve their goals. And the CONSUMERISM model is one such tool.

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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    let's think positively, it will certainly reach one or two people who come across this post at the right time.

    I agree with you that nowadays with the right will and dedication you could be successful in a few years, but today's information overload problem is certainly a big factor that leaves people confused and clueless because they don't even know what to do first, let alone who to trust to teach them the right things.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11776135].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by TobiMDD View Post

      let's think positively, it will certainly reach one or two people who come across this post at the right time.
      I agree with you that nowadays with the right will and dedication you could be successful in a few years, but today's information overload problem is certainly a big factor that leaves people confused and clueless because they don't even know what to do first, let alone who to trust to teach them the right things.
      Thanks, you are right TobiMDD. Quite frankly, I don't think I could work with the cell phone from a baby crowd. Here is a typical scene: I saw a family pull into the Church across the street, mother and daughters staring at their cells, all the way up to the door.

      When the service was over, as soon as they came out, all 3, reached for their phones and walked to the car, as Dad drove away, I wondered if he was feeling left out, or if he was enjoying the silence?

      I'm not sure those under 30 are capable of giving the attention needed to be successful.

      Lets assume, in the spirit of your positivity, there are a couple here...we can help those, but only AFTER they know what they want and why they want it. INTENT may be the only way to overcome Information Overload. Although I could have taught tennis to beginners, they would have quickly surpassed my skills, but with golf, I knew I had something to GIVE them for their entire playing career.

      Now I am not claiming this to be the only way, of course, but it is the reason I posted this, to answer the question: "What do I do first?"

      And my answer has always been: DECIDE what you want.

      When a person operates from a clear INTENT, and has an idea of what 'could' be, then all or most of the distractions will fall by the wayside.

      Hard to learn a golf swing when wearing waders in the middle of the river fishing for trout.

      So, when it comes to making money Online, MMO, or Internet Marketing, IM, there has to come a decision as to what and where...and then the how, when and all that after the WHY has been answered.

      From this angle, an EASY perspective to grasp quickly is: ONE already is a consumer, and therefore, may have knowledge as an asset to find a market niche in which to fish, hunt, golf, or eat bread and drink wine beneath a bough.

      The MASLOW Pyramid is a tool. The PictoGram Of Persuasion is a tool. A notebook used exclusively for the IM journey is a tool. But as good as they might be, they still have to be used by the person who is searching.

      Now a simple question; What have you brought recently, what do you buy frequently, and why do you buy that brand or item? could be the light bulb turned on in the darkness of confusion and information overload.

      Hopefully, your optimism is right, and one or two may benefit from these posts, thank you for that positive thinking.

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      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        Hopefully, your optimism is right, and one or two may benefit from these posts, thank you for that positive thinking.

        The first few hours of this FAST START IM method is self discovery and your own consumerism, and how that may be a good point to start from...what you already know.

        Most new Warriors come here with limited business experience or knowledge, a basic course or two or watching basic business videos on Youtube might help you grasp the lingo, you are sunk if you don't know a gross profit from a net profit, that sort of thing.

        Once you have a decent handle on who you are as an avatar (consumer) and have looked at some markets and niches, here is another thing to consider: SLOP AND MESS.

        This was taught to me by one of my mentors, Harvey Brody, who is my personal role model, a one man business from his home office doing as much business as he wants, when he wants to. And having a 60+ year track record of success, it is a time tested and proven model.

        You will have to make transactions to make money online, the steps involved make up the slop and mess.

        I sold a new TV on my front porch in minutes with a cardboard sign, the fact it was so cheap helped and it was a street with traffic.

        They stopped got out of their car, came to the porch where the TV was on and working, took out 100 bux, and left with a new TV. I lost money on that deal, but gained hours of useful time that would have been wasted watching it. I found out if I had a TV, I would use a TV, so I got rid of it and still don't have one a decade and a half later.

        One person with money, one person with the goods, a simple TRANSACTION is the cleanest and neatest way there is to make money. At that time, I had too many balls in the air, with my IM stuff; including affiliates, eCom, and eBay...and what Harvey taught me was simple: Those were just like my TV.

        If I had them, I had to use them. If you have a game console, how much time do you spend on it? What if you sold it cheaply, or even gave it away, what happens?

        After seeing how many of the IM transactions had multiple moving parts and pieces, especially involving several people, as with drop shipping...I learned first hand what SLOP AND MESS looked like, so I restructured all my time to (mainly) deal with simple transactions.

        I have something to sell, you want it, give me the money and it is yours.

        And I reverted back to a Bill Myers idea from the 1990's, the AUTOMATIC VENDING MACHINE. Put your money in, get your product, no contact necessary, and that is how I operated for over a decade preceding my retirement.

        Eliminate as much slop and mess as you can from your IM venture, make it as simple as you can, knowing you can always build or add as much slop and mess as you want to down the road. Once most of mine was gone, I never looked back.

        Why create complications at your beginning?

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      • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        I don't think I could work with the cell phone from a baby crowd. Here is a typical scene: I saw a family pull into the Church across the street, mother and daughters staring at their cells, all the way up to the door.

        When the service was over, as soon as they came out, all 3, reached for their phones and walked to the car, as Dad drove away, I wondered if he was feeling left out, or if he was enjoying the silence?

        I'm not sure those under 30 are capable of giving the attention needed to be successful.

        yep the cellphone generation is sad to watch, and I'm a victim of it myself, maybe its because I'm still under 30 haha..
        It was and sometimes is still one of those reasons I'm struggling but over the years I got better and built new habits and more discipline. So yes its possible for younger people with the right focus and framework to follow like ones you explained, they just need to do it

        regarding your second message, great example again...and not having a TV in the house certainly helps a lot to maintain a clear mind
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