The 3 hour fast start to begin your IM journey. Consumerism.
You will find great how-to information here at Warrior Forum, but you may have to do searches and do some deep digging, but you will find tons of FREE how-to info on Internet Marketing and Making Money Online.
This post is just ONE of many ways you can begin. It will take you about 3 hours, you need a notebook (or paper) and a pen/pencil/crayon (something to write with, NOT TYPE).
First step, go to Bing or Google and do an IMAGE search for Maslow Pyramid. Pick a couple and then visit the website, and take notes, just basic overview of the needs and wants as seen on the Pyramid.
In your notebook draw a few pyramids, these are tools. No one is going to grade you, be as sloppy as you want, this is for you to use only. Don't be afraid to waste a few sheets of paper, ok?
At the bottom of the Maslow Pyramid (MP hereafter) are BASIC human needs, big three are food, clothing, shelter. All of these are Multi-Trillion dollar industries. Take FOOD. Sure, Kraft, Heinz, and General Mills are giant players in the food game but so is Carol, who sells her home baked cookies online. Cookies are hardly a need are they?... but they are a WANT.
Mansions and efficiency apartments are both shelter...but there again is a need vs a want.
The purpose of this first hour is to open your eyes, open your mind to the big world of possibilities that exist for you. Start in your kitchen, we'll stay with food for now. Look in your fridge, cupboards and shelves. What do you see? You do see needs, BUT, mostly you will see WANTS.
Write down as many foods as you can and put N for need, and W for want next to it. List as many as you can, and while doing this, maybe also list the store or where you bought them.
The whole thing so far should take about half an hour, and now move to the bedroom to look in your closets for CLOTHING. Again, use a new pyramid and list the kind of clothing, and where you bought it. Spend about 10 minutes here, then hit the bathroom, living room or any other room you have.
At the end of this first HOUR, you will see several things.
First, you are a CONSUMER. And if you want to make money online, or with IM, you are going to have to have something to offer to other consumers, be they a person, business, company, organization or gov't order for you TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE...
You must have transactions which have an exchange of value, most often their money for your goods or services, right ?
Congrats on your first hour. You have laid a foundation of understanding CONSUMERISM and have shown yourself many different markets, niches and needs/wants. Now you have to start to build on this foundation to find what could be the best way for you to enter into profitable Online TRANSACTIONS.
Hour two. Go to writeforwealthclub dot com and hit the Copywriter's Tool Kit image on the right side. On the page that comes up you will find an image of the PictoGram of Persuasion, right click this and save the image. Then write it out by hand, this should take about 15 minutes.
Now you have created two tools, the first the Maslow Pyramid with your choices on it, and now the. POP, and by the way, you MUST write these out by hand. Gary Halbert taught me that 50 years ago and there is a reason why you want to write it out by hand and not just cut and paste.
On the POP, you see that you the SELLER or OFFER MAKER has something for the person on the right. Spend the rest of the 45 minutes trying to match your purchases with those things which got and held your attention all the way through the transaction. With groceries it is easy, most from the same store. The other things in your home have to be looked at carefully and try to analyze how the transaction took place.
Hour three. Now on a new page write out all the websites you have visited the last 3 days, note any sales page you visited, and note why you either bought or didn't buy what was being offered.
OK, if you actually are serious about your IM journey, and have invested the 3 hours as presented, you are NOW ready to examine what may be the best suited path for you to take.
What you have done, in effect, is compiled an AVATAR as you, the customer, you the consumer and you the client.
From this, you can see where and how to become the peddlar, professional, or the prospect.
The fastest way to start IM is to offer your mirror avatars the same products you use. Or some variation of them. Say you have a cat, and you buy canned cat food.
Well, selling homemade dog bones and doggie hats is probably something you know nothing about. What the intent is, IS, to get you offer on the right foot, doing things which are familiar to you and in markets and niches you already know something about.
This 3 hours is about self discovery, and IF you were to spend the time and DO it, then you would have a lot of questions, but also, a better understanding of ALL CONSUMERS.
And that one thing is: at any given time of the day, all of us are PREOCCUPIED with both top of mind daily activities and life long desires and wants. A single guy might be thinking pizza and a beer right now, but he may also have a mate, companion and red hot lover on his mind, hopefully, he finds all three in the same person. Ha!
This three hour exercise will make you alert to what people are thinking of, what they want, and how you can create a preoccupational interrupter to get their attention.
Now, any questions from those that actually do it?
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