4 replies
I want to learn traffic arbitrage, but I don't know how. Can you give me some advice (literature, youtube channels, or something else). I will be very grateful for any information.
#arbitration #traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    What DO you know about 'traffic'? Have you used google and read the results you'll find there about 'how to do traffic arbitrage'?

    Do you have experience in generating traffic? What you are proposed is to buy from one place and sell to another....do you have experience with those who generate traffic to sell....and/or with those who buy traffic to promote to?

    Do you have experience in online marketing? What background or skills do you bring to the table? (i.e., WHY have you chosen this particular method to learn?) What is your budget for buying leads?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Don't count the days - Make the days count
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by Denys Romaniuk View Post

    I want to learn traffic arbitrage, but I don't know how. Can you give me some advice (literature, youtube channels, or something else). I will be very grateful for any information.

    Go to google.com and in the search bar enter the following:

    "I want to learn traffic arbitrage"

    The topic is not a mystery since this query yields hundreds of results.

    Whenever I want to learn new things I usually check Amazon (books) and YouTube as well.

    And then there is ChatGPT, the all-knowing, all-seeing bot that can tell you about everything.

    Good luck in your quest for knowledge!
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  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    Posts ads with different offers all leading to one page
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Look at the NATIVE ADS that show up on top online magazines and resource sites

    The pictures they show look that way because people click on them

    Study them and reverse engineer them

    Click on the native ads and study the landing pages/blog posts they dump you on

    How are they structured?

    How do they set up the viewer to click on ads?

    Which ad network do they show?

    If you're just beginning with Native Ad arbitrage, follow the steps above and LEARN IN REAL TIME by doing

    For other types of traffic I would suggest looking up Youtube vids but for Native ads, you need a realtime education so I recommend the steps above

    Pro tip: Consider Google's AdX system lots more opportunities but Ezoic may be a good fit for you assuming your site also pulls organic traffic
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