2 replies
Hello I have website (link removed by moderator per forum rules) which is online for at least 5 years and more with total visitors 1000. It seems my website is censored by government maybe because of what I write. I have started with affiliate marketing and there I do not get any clicks that are registered in the affiliate program. I have posted them in Medium and still I get no clicks which are 0. I know that in this forum there are smart people with good programming skills. Do you have any idea how my website is blocked or sabotaged and how can I unblock it. Please help me.
Kind regards, Vahid.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    You have a link to your blog in your profile which is good - but links are not permitted in posts.
    Your blog is not focused. The 'target market' seems to be 'everyone'.

    Your 'about me' has nothing to do with the 'affiliate programs' you are promoting. Your 'affiliate programs' have nothing to do with the multiple 'issues' you feature on the blog.

    I don't think you have a 'programming' problem or a 'govt' problem...I think you have a targeting/focus problem. You are trying to promote your personal social/political views and beliefs and also 'sell' unrelated affiliate products. Not really a winning combination.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    yes Kay is right, it is very unfocused...a bit of weight loss, politics and affiliate marketing..
    choose one of these topics and put your efforts into it and then also tell us how you plan to get visitors to your website. medium alone is certainly not enough
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11782300].message }}
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