Tips to earn more money with a website?

by ramzx
5 replies
I have a website that receives about 2500 visits per day. I have Adsense enabled with auto-ads, but I barely get $70 a year. Now I am thinking about what to do. I don't know whether to try to get more visits or change ad provider, or not to put ads and try to offer some service that users want to pay for. what do you recommend?
#earn #money #tips #website
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well what niche are you in ? If you have a niche related to affiliate marketing then you must swith to affiliate marketing as you will make 10 times more than adsense
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    • Profile picture of the author ramzx
      It's a kind of directory of startups.
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      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by ramzx View Post

        It's a kind of directory of startups.

        When you set up a website, or buy one or whatever,
        if you plan on making money with it, then you have to
        figure out how you are going to monetize it.

        There are millions of websites about this, that, and
        the other thing, because somebody wanted to put up
        a website.

        It sounds like you developed or obtained a site about
        a random topic and slapped some AdSense on there
        as an afterthought.

        I suggest you build additional sites and plan things
        better from the very beginning, and do what you can
        to improve this "kind of a directory" one.

        Typically when you have a directory site, you charge
        people a recurring fee to be listed on it.

        BTW, $70 is better than nothing, you just need to
        improve and scale.
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    1. How much does AdSense pay you per click (they give you a percentage somewhere)?

    2. How much do people pay for a keyword to find your site? (Google adwords keyword tool would tell you that).

    3. Multiply the amount people pay for the keywords by the percentage you get.

    4. Take the amount you want to make a month, divide by the amount you make for your most profitable keyword, for your least profitable keyword, for the avergage of all the keywords.

    Is the amount for these calculations in line with what you make?

    If yes, you've chosen bad keywords.

    If no, you're either getting the wrong type of visitor, your ads don't work properly (they open too slowly, or not at all), or your content sucks.

    Your content sucks means either it's badly written or written for the wrong target audience.

    Consider this:
    I am online looking for pink shoes with golden laces. I am, in other words, towards the end of the buying cycle, i.e., I am ready to buy.

    I land on your page and there is no image of pink shoes with golden laces, no words mentioning pink shoes with golden laces. Instead, I find a page about how shoes are built and how the Chinese built ones are better than the ones built in Vietnam.

    You do mention pink shoes and you do mention golden laces, that's why Google sent me to your page. But it's clearly not the page for me.

    Consider this: I am thinking I will need sandals next summer. I end up on a page on your site that's about one particular type of sandals, with a price and a buy now button. Do I care? Will I click on any ads that say, Sandals 10% off?

    Originally Posted by ramzx View Post

    I have a website that receives about 2500 visits per day. I have Adsense enabled with auto-ads, but I barely get $70 a year. Now I am thinking about what to do. I don't know whether to try to get more visits or change ad provider, or not to put ads and try to offer some service that users want to pay for. what do you recommend?
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  • Profile picture of the author Zoheb M
    2500 hits a day is not bad. You should consider conversion optimisation testing strategies to consistently improve your website. You could add a newsletter, affiliate products, and maybe even your own info product.

    designing $100 landing pages, and talking business philosophy...

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  • Profile picture of the author mir21
    Yes, people can make money with surveys, but not a lot of money ...

    I've been doing this for a long time and made some money.

    A great information on this can be found here:
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