How to Join Reputable Networks Without Getting Scammed

4 replies
As an affiliate, I've been scammed by a network before, so I need to be more cautious. Can anyone help recommend some trustworthy networks? I would really appreciate your contributions.
#join #networks #reputable #scammed
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    "network"? Do you mean affiliate sites or specific product sites (don't list them - it's a general question). What are your skills/interests/niches? Impossible to advise you without knowing what your goals are and what experience you have.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by dylan ordonez View Post

    As an affiliate, I've been scammed by a network before, so I need to be more cautious. Can anyone help recommend some trustworthy networks? I would really appreciate your contributions.

    I don't believe you got scammed by a major network.

    Maybe some off-the-wall company that nobody ever heard of, but not a major one.

    I am curious to know what you are marketing and exactly what happened for you to get scammed.

    The more likely story is that you violated some rule and didn't get paid.
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    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

      I don't believe you got scammed by a major network.

      Maybe some off-the-wall company that nobody ever heard of, but not a major one.

      I am curious to know what you are marketing and exactly what happened for you to get scammed.

      The more likely story is that you violated some rule and didn't get paid.
      Or ... they put up a site, sent some unqualified traffic, assumed they should have bought and never got paid.
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      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by dave_hermansen View Post

        Or ... they put up a site, sent some unqualified traffic, assumed they should have bought and never got paid.

        I am certain that after 20+ years of affiliate marketing and other
        online business experience, as well as posting on various forums,
        I have heard every possible version of events there is.

        I am also fairly certain that you have heard it all too.
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