Job or Freelancing, and How?!

4 replies
I hate to share my situation in this much detail but I am desperate. I will be brief.
I started content writing in 2018. Did a few beginner DM courses.
Started doing social media management and Google ads freelancing in 2022.
Retrospectively, my mistake was that I kept trying to woo small businesses who don't think about marketing seriously thinking that it was the first step. There's a misunderstanding among the small business community here that DM is just posting some content on SM and running ads randomly and that it's cheap. I never got to keep the clients for more than a few weeks.
That's why I was never able to create and execute proper DM strategies and learn to evaluate and optimize campaigns.
Meanwhile, I kept doing courses on Coursera and LinkedIn Learning.
Now, I am 29. My skill level/experience is not enough to satisfy most of the job requirements. Most of my knowledge is theoretical. So I keep thinking that instead of trying to find a job at 29, I might have better luck looking for prospects in a foreign market like USA to implement my knowledge and gain experience. However, I am stuck in the research phase. I am unable to pinpoint a buyer persona for my service and find respective competitors. I have chosen PPC as my niche for the service.
There is a lot to unpack and explain. I am surely missing a few aspects. I will add more context as we discuss. Please help.
#freelancing #job
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by reticentbreeze View Post

    I hate to share my situation in this much detail but I am desperate. I will be brief.
    I started content writing in 2018. Did a few beginner DM courses.
    Started doing social media management and Google ads freelancing in 2022.
    Retrospectively, my mistake was that I kept trying to woo small businesses who don't think about marketing seriously thinking that it was the first step. There's a misunderstanding among the small business community here that DM is just posting some content on SM and running ads randomly and that it's cheap. I never got to keep the clients for more than a few weeks.
    That's why I was never able to create and execute proper DM strategies and learn to evaluate and optimize campaigns.
    Meanwhile, I kept doing courses on Coursera and LinkedIn Learning.
    Now, I am 29. My skill level/experience is not enough to satisfy most of the job requirements. Most of my knowledge is theoretical. So I keep thinking that instead of trying to find a job at 29, I might have better luck looking for prospects in a foreign market like USA to implement my knowledge and gain experience. However, I am stuck in the research phase. I am unable to pinpoint a buyer persona for my service and find respective competitors. I have chosen PPC as my niche for the service.
    There is a lot to unpack and explain. I am surely missing a few aspects. I will add more context as we discuss. Please help.

    You are all over the place, trying to do too many things when
    you don't seem to have any marketable expertise.

    If you want to make money, you need to pursue accounts that
    have money to spend, not trying to convince small businesses
    that cannot afford to pay you.

    Businesses should be coming to you, not you chasing after
    them, that is backwards.

    You need to assess your situation and develop a strategy
    that works.

    Maybe you could use your social media experience to make
    money for yourself.

    I suggest you use ChatGPT or whatever AI tool available to
    you to help you focus your skills, and develop a strategy as
    well as a business plan.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    The problem is in your assumption right off the bat: "I kept trying to woo small businesses who don't think about marketing seriously".

    Who can you talk to who DOES believe marketing should be taken seriously?
    Finding people who already believe what matches your offer are a helluvalot easier to turn into clients.
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  • Profile picture of the author Awais_Afzal1
    I think you should start with digital marketing agency under experienced professional who know how to manage multiple client and grasp their strategy first when you got enought experience you can go with freelance..
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  • Profile picture of the author asepkomara
    Focus on enhancing your skills and the money will come.
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