Job or Freelancing, and How?!
I started content writing in 2018. Did a few beginner DM courses.
Started doing social media management and Google ads freelancing in 2022.
Retrospectively, my mistake was that I kept trying to woo small businesses who don't think about marketing seriously thinking that it was the first step. There's a misunderstanding among the small business community here that DM is just posting some content on SM and running ads randomly and that it's cheap. I never got to keep the clients for more than a few weeks.
That's why I was never able to create and execute proper DM strategies and learn to evaluate and optimize campaigns.
Meanwhile, I kept doing courses on Coursera and LinkedIn Learning.
Now, I am 29. My skill level/experience is not enough to satisfy most of the job requirements. Most of my knowledge is theoretical. So I keep thinking that instead of trying to find a job at 29, I might have better luck looking for prospects in a foreign market like USA to implement my knowledge and gain experience. However, I am stuck in the research phase. I am unable to pinpoint a buyer persona for my service and find respective competitors. I have chosen PPC as my niche for the service.
There is a lot to unpack and explain. I am surely missing a few aspects. I will add more context as we discuss. Please help.
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