Worth of link building in Ecommerce SEO

6 replies
Hi members,
I hope all of you are doing well.
I just want to know your opinion on Link building in Ecommerce SEO, as all of us know link building is essential to get relevant traffic to your site for the marketing of your product , As more relevant people come to your online shop, there are more chances to increase your sale so, what do you think that the having backlinks through guest posting and forum posting is still in essentials for Ecommerce SEO or not?
I will be happy to hear you.
#building #ecommerce #link #seo #worth
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  • Profile picture of the author Invalley
    Yes, of course. Link building for eCommerce is as relevant as always. And as you pointed out, it's important to do it in a targeted manner. Look for keywords and link building opportunities that are relevant to the audience you're looking to attract.

    That's something I think a lot of people overlook when it comes to link building. Yes, Google is going to notice your link on that website. But do you know who else notices the link? The readers of the site! I've seen clients get thousands of clicks directly from high-profile guest posts. So you want to make sure you're guest posting on sites that are relevant to your target audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author rohittt
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  • Profile picture of the author conquest99999
    Originally Posted by Abaidulllah View Post

    Hi members,
    I hope all of you are doing well.
    I just want to know your opinion on Link building in Ecommerce SEO, as all of us know link building is essential to get relevant traffic to your site for the marketing of your product , As more relevant people come to your online shop, there are more chances to increase your sale so, what do you think that the having backlinks through guest posting and forum posting is still in essentials for Ecommerce SEO or not?
    I will be happy to hear you.
    Guest posting is the best way to create backlinks. First it's free, second you can guest post as many times as you like, keeping in mind that other websites want you and allow you to guest post on them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Digital011
    Yes, definitely. Link building is a most important post of an e-commerce website. You can create a relevant topic on your product and share another platform as a guest post that can user read topic and visit your website or increase website traffic and sales.

    Create high-quality content on product benefits, features, how to use, where to use and many more.

    Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author jaden025
    Link building will increase the authority of your site, helps in making your site as a relevant source.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ridoyseo
    I guess You Are Right
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  • Profile picture of the author shorifseo247
    nice post share
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