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Mobile Marketing - Tips and Tricks to Expand Your Reach

Posted 20th June 2013 at 12:41 AM by charto911

Mobile marketing has become one of the most efficient ways to advertise your business. The problem is that many internet marketers and advertisers are still trying to figure out the most efficient way to expand their business and market through the use of SMS messaging.

As owner of the Mobile Marketing Wiz we are able to get feedback first hand from businesses who are utilizing mobile advertising to attract and retain customers.

When advertising to your potential...
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Fixing Google Autocomplete

Posted 17th November 2012 at 06:09 PM by charto911

This is one of those plaguing problems that many people have. The best piece of advice that I give to them is to be creative and think outside of the box.

There are two great services to use to check out the best characters to push up for autocomplete. They are and Reputation Management Cheetah's top 10 Autocomplete Tool.

Once you have the search terms that are going to be attacked go to one of these sites and type in the search term. At Ubersuggest you...
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Online Reputation Management - What I've Learned From It

Posted 15th April 2012 at 07:50 PM by charto911

If there is one industry online that is more difficult than the online pharmacies selling boner medicine than it certainly is the reputation management industry.

Working with some of the very best companies that practice doing ORM for clients big and small you start learning a lot of really cool tricks.

There are two different angles it seems that one can take to solve a problem. The first is to contact the webmaster, host, file a dmca complaint (when applicable), and...
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What not to do when Changing Servers

Posted 8th March 2011 at 05:17 PM by charto911

So the biggest nightmare of most companies tends to be i.t. and other uncontrollable technical glitches that one may encounter.

The most recent problem that Coopers Pick ran into was it's venture into upgrading it's server due to the influx of traffic that has started to sprout up. The issue at hand here is that many do not understand that when switching over from a shared package to a Virtual Private server that the database in this case a my sql one may not be compatible in the new...
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Free Sports Picks

Posted 8th July 2010 at 08:30 PM by charto911

Now that the Lebron James saga and drama is over and we know that the King will be playing with Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami Beach.

We can get back to concentrating on warrior like promotions. These promotions are figuring out how to make extra money and I guess that is why we are all here right?

So lets get off on the right foot as I am offering all fellow warrior members my clients free sports picks.

I think the best way to do it is to go out and...
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