How To Write a Book - 3 Tips to Get You Started

Posted 23rd February 2011 at 08:57 AM by drmani
Anyone can write a book - yes, even you
Many people dream of writing a book. But only few end up doing it. Is that because it is a difficult task, or one that's reserved for the very talented or skilled? Nope. Anyone can write a book. And yes, that means you too can write a book - if you want to do it badly enough.
Far too often, we make excuses for not sitting down to write a book. We imagine that we don't have enough time. We soothe ourselves by saying we'll get around to it soon. We put other priorities higher on our list of things to do. But the fact of the matter is that you can write a book if you really want to. So get started. Today.
It's Not Magic - Just Hard Work
There is a lot of romanticism associated with the idea of authoring a book. The general audience who can't ever see themselves as writing a book will look upon an author with awe and amazement, thinking these super-human wordsmiths are unique, special and extra-ordinary.
But the truth is that writing is not magic. It's just hard work, carried out with diligence and persistence, and driven by discipline and focus. If you set out to write a book, be sure to keep this in mind and prepare to invest in the effort and time it takes to get a book through from concept or idea to finished product.
Getting Published Is Half The Battle
For many authors, writing a book seems limited to the steps in putting thoughts on paper, and stringing them together long enough to end up making a finished manuscript. But writing and completing your book isn't the entire story. There's still the challenge of getting published.
And in a sense, it can be a tougher challenge than writing your book itself. After all, the responsibility for writing is completely yours, and no one else can influence whether and how well you write it. On the other hand, when you try and get your book into print, your results depend upon external factors - including your publisher. Be prepared to face and overcome that challenge too, or explore the possibility of self-publishing your work.
Writing A Book Isn't The Same As Getting Rich & Famous
It's one thing to get your book written. It's quite another to have it published. But even after you cross these two hurdles, there's no guarantee at all that you'll be rich and famous. In fact, if you're writing a book with the idea of getting rich, then you may want to stop and re-consider. And these days, people get famous first and then write a book, rather than the other way around!
But that's not to say you can't hit it big. J.K.Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series of novels, is the second richest lady in the U.K. thanks to her best-selling fiction. And there are many authors who are immortal because of their writing. So dream big if you want... though be prepared to wait a while before those dreams come true.
For more tips on how to write a book, be sure to drop by my blog and read all about I used my how to write a book fast system to churn out a novel in just 90 days!
Many people dream of writing a book. But only few end up doing it. Is that because it is a difficult task, or one that's reserved for the very talented or skilled? Nope. Anyone can write a book. And yes, that means you too can write a book - if you want to do it badly enough.
Far too often, we make excuses for not sitting down to write a book. We imagine that we don't have enough time. We soothe ourselves by saying we'll get around to it soon. We put other priorities higher on our list of things to do. But the fact of the matter is that you can write a book if you really want to. So get started. Today.
It's Not Magic - Just Hard Work
There is a lot of romanticism associated with the idea of authoring a book. The general audience who can't ever see themselves as writing a book will look upon an author with awe and amazement, thinking these super-human wordsmiths are unique, special and extra-ordinary.
But the truth is that writing is not magic. It's just hard work, carried out with diligence and persistence, and driven by discipline and focus. If you set out to write a book, be sure to keep this in mind and prepare to invest in the effort and time it takes to get a book through from concept or idea to finished product.
Getting Published Is Half The Battle
For many authors, writing a book seems limited to the steps in putting thoughts on paper, and stringing them together long enough to end up making a finished manuscript. But writing and completing your book isn't the entire story. There's still the challenge of getting published.
And in a sense, it can be a tougher challenge than writing your book itself. After all, the responsibility for writing is completely yours, and no one else can influence whether and how well you write it. On the other hand, when you try and get your book into print, your results depend upon external factors - including your publisher. Be prepared to face and overcome that challenge too, or explore the possibility of self-publishing your work.
Writing A Book Isn't The Same As Getting Rich & Famous
It's one thing to get your book written. It's quite another to have it published. But even after you cross these two hurdles, there's no guarantee at all that you'll be rich and famous. In fact, if you're writing a book with the idea of getting rich, then you may want to stop and re-consider. And these days, people get famous first and then write a book, rather than the other way around!
But that's not to say you can't hit it big. J.K.Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series of novels, is the second richest lady in the U.K. thanks to her best-selling fiction. And there are many authors who are immortal because of their writing. So dream big if you want... though be prepared to wait a while before those dreams come true.
For more tips on how to write a book, be sure to drop by my blog and read all about I used my how to write a book fast system to churn out a novel in just 90 days!
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