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How To Write a Book - 3 Tips to Get You Started

Posted 23rd February 2011 at 08:57 AM by drmani

Anyone can write a book - yes, even you

Many people dream of writing a book. But only few end up doing it. Is that because it is a difficult task, or one that's reserved for the very talented or skilled? Nope. Anyone can write a book. And yes, that means you too can write a book - if you want to do it badly enough.

Far too often, we make excuses for not sitting down to write a book. We imagine that we don't have enough time. We soothe ourselves by saying we'll...
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HOW To Build Niche Review Sites

Posted 22nd October 2008 at 02:11 AM by drmani

HOW To Build Niche Review Sites - this process doesn't work any longer, sorry.
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