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The free Keyword Search Tool

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Posted 9th September 2014 at 01:37 PM by hunteryz

I use SEO Power suite for my keyword research on my each post, and homepage, Yesterday i get about 40 organic traffic from Google, yahoo, bing, Which really impressive me.
That could be Moon cake festival coming, there is a trend on this keyword, but i have to know this keyword first.
The free version you can not download your record, but it do have "suggestion" function which is best part, In my opinion, If you have a business or money site it worth to buy it. Click Here! This software can make you a long run.
I am still working on my keyword: Authentic Chinese food cuisine cooking recipes website free, Google Seems like not like to increase your PR so quickly, and When you do ranking, The PR is Important, So All SEO works on PR finally.
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