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Seasonal Marketing - Here's How...

Posted 14th April 2009 at 08:05 AM by JamesFrancisIM

I recently did a live seminar on seasonal marketing and how to use tactics to drive people to your website to sign up/opt-in or buy your product or service. Here are a few keynotes...

So what is seasonal marketing?
Seasonal marketing is the concept of advertising your product or service in a different way depending on the time of the year, relating it to real life events and maybe even creating your own. For example, planting easter eggs around your website for visitors to find,...
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Attack Of The Killer Easter Bunnies

Posted 7th April 2009 at 06:18 PM by JamesFrancisIM

I believe in celebrating life's little happinesses, and especially with Internet Marketing, so i'm launching an easter themed competition for all you Internet Marketers!

I'm going to ship these easter eggs right to your front door for free. That means no shipping and handling charges like other con merchants!

How do you take part?

The easter bunnies have laid chocolate easter eggs inside the Internet Marketing Profit Machine members area, and hidden them on
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4 *Killer* Mindset Traits of an Internet Marketing Millionaire

Posted 30th March 2009 at 06:36 PM by JamesFrancisIM

Do you have the mind of a millionaire… or even a BILLIONAIRE?

This free article will outline the same internet marketing mindset
techniques that Richard Branson and Bill Gates use to pull in more
money in one day than most people do in a YEAR…

But what exactly is the difference between the mind of an internet
marketing millionaire and other members of society?

1) Surround Yourself...
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4 *Killer* Mindset Traits of an Internet Marketing Millionaire

Posted 20th March 2009 at 12:41 PM by JamesFrancisIM

Hey fellow Warrior!

Do you have the mind of a millionaire... or even a BILLIONAIRE?

This free article will outline the same internet marketing mindset
techniques that Richard Branson and Bill Gates use to pull in more
money in one day than most people do in a YEAR...

But what exactly is the difference between the mind of an internet
marketing millionaire and other members of society?

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Creating Your Business Idea to Beyond The Launch - EXPLAINED!

Posted 17th March 2009 at 11:50 AM by JamesFrancisIM

Hey fellow Warrior!

If you've ever started out in Internet Marketing, then you'll know of the difficulties in creating a business plan, aswell as never knowing the exact processes to launch your product.

Fortunately, i've saved you this hassle and created a free 24 minute video for you which outlines the ENTIRE product creation process in a step-by-step flowchart, from product idea to after the launch:

=> http://www.InternetMarketingProfitMa...freevideo.html...
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