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Is Bullying A New Affiliate Gold Mine?

Posted 16th February 2012 at 01:24 PM by JimLillig

Bullying has always existed. When I went to school (when dinosaurs roamed the earth) social media meant writing notes on the bathroom wall. Today, bullying is taken to a new level on Facebook and through SMS blasts. Kids today live their lives in public and parents are ill equipped to deal with the additional layer of issues that social media sites add to their parenting duties.

Recently, we opened an affiliate program for a service that makes a parent's job easier by alerting them...
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Offeratti Warrior Blog - First Post - New FTC Crackdown on Work From Home Scams

Posted 5th July 2009 at 11:19 PM by JimLillig

This is the first blog post for the new Offeratti Warrior Forum Blog. I am happy to be able to post up helpful insights, techniques and news about Performance Marketing, that some Warriors might find helpful. Please make sure you bookmark this or tag it in some way so you can get new posts, as this is where I will post up specials for Warrior Forum members. One of the benefits of being a Warrior (or at least it should be) is to get in on Insider deals. So please, if there is anything you would...
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