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Simplest Law of Physics Applied to IM and Life Mean Massive Success For You

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Posted 7th September 2008 at 11:08 PM by lakshaybehl

Bill Gates' net worth is worth over $60 billion. Yes, that's a billion with a “B”. And most likely, he is at least a thousand times richer than you. Maybe even ten thousand times. Right? What's the secret to his success?

Is it

3.Hard work
4.Trend spotting
6.Marketing Style
9.Slim Sexy Body

I know the answer, and you know it too... one of these things. Because he is definitely not a thousand times more intelligent, or experienced, or hard working (I'll bet my last dollar that he is too much used to hiring people to handle his work for him or creating softwares to automate his redundant tasks... ). Its not always about trend spotting, style, etc as well.

Then what is about?

Its about one ting... Only Doing what only you can do. And doing it at the right time. With the best concentration and the best attitude and mindset ever possible. And today you are getting a very simple yet highly effective step by step guide that shows you what you need to do to achieve everything that you want to achieve and then some more. I will keep it as short as possible to make sure that we are not wasting time here. And I will try to be as precise and specific as possible.

You need to ask yourself this question... Are you working at your optimum efficiency? Chances are that you aren't. Because if you would have been working on creating a steady stream of website your traffic every single day, even if it meant just seventy minutes of work put in everyday, you would sure be making a ton of money online... much more than what any job would pay you to do.

But are you working at increasing your website traffic everyday?

If not, then why not?

You know that you can see the results within seventy minutes of daily work and it could potentially mean thousands upon thousands of dollars for you in affiliate commissions or even your own sales of your product or services through your website.

Guess what... Its known as procrastination... And there is no one who is spared of it. Not even Bill gates or Donald Trump. Even those guys feel (although this feeling is momentary) like procrastinating and putting things off.

And this phase is known as the “Phase of Inertia”. That's right... this is the dreaded phase of inertia and here are some symptoms...

1.You don't feel like working at all
2.There are no new ideas
3.The freshness and uniqueness is gone
4.You feel tired..
5.You experience headaches more frequently
6.You feel miserable because you don't want to work
7.Then you don' work and start feeling guilty because you don't work
8.You might feel more hungry or even the exact opposite might happen... you might not feel any hunger at all whatsoever.
9.Your health starts decreasing
10.The world starts hating you and you start hating the world

And there is no light at the end of the tunnel you are trapped in. Seriously put... You are unable to take any action and even though you know you need to do something, you don't feel like doing it at all... That happens to us many times, but most often procrastination creeps in when there is a need to do something new that might open a whole lot of avenues and opportunities for you.

Like creating a new product or a report... or ideating for a new product. The worst part is that ... YOU DON'T DO IT BECAUSE DO WANT TO DO IT PERFECTLY.

And that is a big mistake. You think that there is a perfect time of doing it... A perfect place... A perfect mindset and attitude... A perfect environment and perfect surrounding that are required for you to do it.

But chances are that more often than not, nothing will be perfect.

In fact I would love to say this here...

“Perfection is the killer of excellence”

OK... I didn't say that myself... And I don't even remember where I heard it... All I do remember is the fact that I don't need to things perfectly, I just have to be excellent.

And Zig Ziglar once said...

“Anything worth doing is worth doing badly unless you learn how to do it well”

Michael Cheney said....

“Success isn't won by wondering how, ra5ther by working in the wonder of now”

And I say...

“What can be done today, shall be done today”

As they say, the phase of the night just prior to the dawn is the darkest phase. You just need to get down and do it.

So how do you break this inertia?

Well, to be honest the only way to break this phase of inertia is to take MASSIVE ACTION. Its a law of Physics and any person that has basic knowledge of Physics can tell you that “Mass Multiplied By Speed” is momentum...

What is Momentum?

Good question. Momentum is the exact opposite of Inertia. Its a phase in your life where you are doing things at a massive speed and doing them well... all at once.

You are getting so much accomplished within a short period of time that you don't want to be lazy.

1.There is light and freedom everywhere
2.You are overwhelmed with a sense of achievement
3.You are happily working away to glory
4.There are no distractions and you are laser focused
5.You work... but more importantly you know what to do
6.Everything is under control... and everyone is happy
7.You are happy and are managing your time well
8.Your time is never wasted
9.You not only are great professionally, you are great with friends, your spouse, your parents, your teachers and students, your clients, everybody.
10.You are at the best of your health and wealth

In short there is scope for growth and there is the feeling of growth with every word that you type... There is a certainty of closing a sale with every phone call you attend and there is feeling of joy within you.

Things are working well... there's traffic at your websites... there is a flow of sales at a steady rate that is ever rising. Your networks are improving and best of all... There is NO WILL POWER INVOLVED... NETIHER IS IT REQUIRED on your part.

You are working because you feel like working and you are loving it.

So do you want to be in a state of momentum?

Of course you do.

Now there is a good news for you right here right now.

Momentum can be created in a moment... within an instant even if there is Inertia right now.

You can have a massive amount of positive energy flowing through your mind, body, souls and relationships that it will clearly reflect as the shine on your face.

And you need to do it right now, right here.

And of you need this secret, then you will be ale to create momentum in a flash every time you want it.

Its Physics 101 again...


That simple means that if you start taking massive action at a large speed you can create momentum.

So now we have seen that inertia can instantly be transformed into momentum. And that is what people like gates, and Trump do all the time. They just start taking massive action at a rapid pace and everything else follows. So if you are not already seeing a lot of traffic and sales at your websites, you need to get a lot of traffic that is highly targeted, then stop procrastinating and start taking massive action right NOW. There are scores of different ways to drive tons and tons of targeted traffic over to your websites all thanks to Web 2.0.

Start Harnessing the Massive power of Web 2.0 to drive traffic to your sites NOW.

Lakshay Behl's Secret Traffic Videos
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    lakshaybehl's Avatar
    To be continued in Part 2...
    Posted 7th September 2008 at 11:08 PM by lakshaybehl lakshaybehl is offline

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