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How To Make Money On The Internet - Really!

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Posted 4th November 2008 at 11:23 AM by Rosie Cottis

I was thinking just recently that it is a great pity that so many people have difficulty seeing how to make money on the internet and end up thinking that it is all a scam.

It is a little like doing this:

1. You see an advertisement that shows people going for a wonderful vacation in Las Vegas in a certain model of car. You think, "Oh wow, I would love to go to Las Vegas!" So you buy the car.

2. You read the manual for your new car. Then you open the door and sit in the driver’s seat for an hour or two with the key in your pocket.

3. The car has not taken you anywhere, so you decide that it doesn’t work. But you still want to go to Las Vegas, so you buy a different car.

4. You repeat steps 1-3 with many different cars until you run out of money. Then you conclude that all cars are a scam, because you bought practically every type of car that there is, but you never made it anywhere near Las Vegas in any of them.

Okay, the advertisement didn’t tell you that you were actually going to have to DRIVE.

Does that make it a scam?

Harsh? Some people thought so. Read their comments on my blog:
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    tdpubs's Avatar
    Damn! That is harsh but so true Rosie. The part that seems to be left out of the squeeze page ads is the part about the amount of work that has to be done to get to critical mass.
    The wood has to be chopped before the fire warms you up.
    Posted 4th November 2008 at 05:00 PM by tdpubs tdpubs is offline

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