The myth of Google first page listing

Posted 12th January 2011 at 05:52 AM by securelogy
Tags backlink, google page rank, google pagerank, seo
If you are remotely interested in internet marketing then you must heard the mantra that getting to the first page of Google is the key of success and the holy gray of search engine marketing on the internet. In fact there is no internet marketer today who does not tell you how getting on page one on Google can make you reach beyond your widest dream. This is even made more tantalizing because of the difficulty of getting to page one of Google. Is getting on the first page of Google really all it is cranked out to be? I decided to shed some light on this point because this is one of the main areas which seem to bring huge disappointment to new internet entrepreneur.
The fact is, getting on the first page of Google does not guarantee you anything. I carried out some experiment to proof this. I got myself a very good keyword with potential high volume traffic that I hope would be easy to rank. The main keyword has 1000 daily SEO Traffic. I have additional keywords with total of 1600 daily SEO Traffic, which brings everything to a total of 2600 daily and 78000 monthly SEO Traffic. That is very impressive I think. Then fast forward, we are 2 months further, and for this main keyword I now rank number 4 on Google. In addition, I have been able to rank 22 other keywords on top 10 of Google. The result is staggering in a negative way. I now have daily visitors of between 100 to 250. The first monetization is Google AdSense which brings in about 25 daily clicks with an income of $2.

Just imagine what the result would have been if I was working with a main keyword of 10000-15000 per month. If you are curious, I have that number as well.
Lesson Learned:
There are many reasons why getting on the first page of Google does not provide you with the riches promised. I also found this out the hard way.
Page one of Google and yet not making money
To come on the first page of Google is not as difficult as people say. In fact, I have over 70 sites with keyword on first page of Google. However, to be noticed and make some headway with your business, you must be ranked on the FIRST POSITION on Google, if you cannot make that, then be on the second spot. If not, you wouldn't be making any money.
Many new marketers have found this out in a hard way. You know when you have a great keyword and you have done all what they keywords research Gurus told you to do to get low competition but high volume keyword. Yes, right. The fact, remains that there is much more to chosen a keyword that just
Google Top page Advertising
Let assume for a moment that you are on number 6 on a given keyword. You have made a very good keyword research, and have back linked the site to hell. One day you wake up and you are on the first page of Google like the Guru promised. To your astonishment you noticed you are not making any money. Your Google stats is showing under the 100 daily visitors, your Google AdSense is showing two clicks with 6 cents per day and the chart on your Clickback seems to be out of order because it is not moving. Then you start to wonder, maybe someone is pulling your legs. After several researches you start to gather some conclusions.
The first thing you discover is depending on how in demand your keyword, you will often find that Google has Large Google ads on the top of the page and also on the right bar. These ads are Ranking Killers. Your number 6 position is actually number 9 with these ads above the first page listing. What you will also notice is that most people click on the first and second ads of any page. This means even if you have a number 1 position with such keywords your result would still be very little.

You should stay away from keywords where people are prepared to pay the ad cost to stay on top of Google. You even have these is very low competition keyword. The only way to detect this is to type in your keyword on Google and see what the result is.----
<h2>Complete this article at Demystifying the First page of Google myth | Blueprint
The fact is, getting on the first page of Google does not guarantee you anything. I carried out some experiment to proof this. I got myself a very good keyword with potential high volume traffic that I hope would be easy to rank. The main keyword has 1000 daily SEO Traffic. I have additional keywords with total of 1600 daily SEO Traffic, which brings everything to a total of 2600 daily and 78000 monthly SEO Traffic. That is very impressive I think. Then fast forward, we are 2 months further, and for this main keyword I now rank number 4 on Google. In addition, I have been able to rank 22 other keywords on top 10 of Google. The result is staggering in a negative way. I now have daily visitors of between 100 to 250. The first monetization is Google AdSense which brings in about 25 daily clicks with an income of $2.

Just imagine what the result would have been if I was working with a main keyword of 10000-15000 per month. If you are curious, I have that number as well.
Lesson Learned:
There are many reasons why getting on the first page of Google does not provide you with the riches promised. I also found this out the hard way.
Page one of Google and yet not making money
To come on the first page of Google is not as difficult as people say. In fact, I have over 70 sites with keyword on first page of Google. However, to be noticed and make some headway with your business, you must be ranked on the FIRST POSITION on Google, if you cannot make that, then be on the second spot. If not, you wouldn't be making any money.
Many new marketers have found this out in a hard way. You know when you have a great keyword and you have done all what they keywords research Gurus told you to do to get low competition but high volume keyword. Yes, right. The fact, remains that there is much more to chosen a keyword that just
Google Top page Advertising
Let assume for a moment that you are on number 6 on a given keyword. You have made a very good keyword research, and have back linked the site to hell. One day you wake up and you are on the first page of Google like the Guru promised. To your astonishment you noticed you are not making any money. Your Google stats is showing under the 100 daily visitors, your Google AdSense is showing two clicks with 6 cents per day and the chart on your Clickback seems to be out of order because it is not moving. Then you start to wonder, maybe someone is pulling your legs. After several researches you start to gather some conclusions.
The first thing you discover is depending on how in demand your keyword, you will often find that Google has Large Google ads on the top of the page and also on the right bar. These ads are Ranking Killers. Your number 6 position is actually number 9 with these ads above the first page listing. What you will also notice is that most people click on the first and second ads of any page. This means even if you have a number 1 position with such keywords your result would still be very little.

You should stay away from keywords where people are prepared to pay the ad cost to stay on top of Google. You even have these is very low competition keyword. The only way to detect this is to type in your keyword on Google and see what the result is.----
<h2>Complete this article at Demystifying the First page of Google myth | Blueprint
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