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What is Facebook SSL?

Posted 26th September 2011 at 01:27 PM by securelogy

In the past, Facebook has allowed users to link fan pages with external websites hosted on other servers without SSL. Due to the need for more security, facebook has now introduced https or SSL for all communication between your facebook application, fanpages and other sites. Starting October 1 2011, SSL will be required for all facebook connections. Users who do not have SSL installed on their hosting plan where the facebook pages are hosted will get an error.

This means,...
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The myth of Google first page listing

Posted 12th January 2011 at 05:52 AM by securelogy

If you are remotely interested in internet marketing then you must heard the mantra that getting to the first page of Google is the key of success and the holy gray of search engine marketing on the internet. In fact there is no internet marketer today who does not tell you how getting on page one on Google can make you reach beyond your widest dream. This is even made more tantalizing because of the difficulty of getting to page one of Google. Is getting on the first page of Google really all...
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