Fresh New Copywriter - looking for USP/site review
I just finished both the AWAI Accelerated Copywriting and Health Writing programs and am starting a new career from zero. I've got some background in writing - but different (my article analyzing a setting of Robert Frost's poetry for voice and guitar was just published in Soundboard Magazine).
I'm putting a copywriting site together on my own (with advice on text from a J. Boswell course) and am wondering if this thing is at all professional looking, if my own USP works, etc. Is any of it compelling? I'm committing to health copywriting for a year, but so far my samples are mostly non-health (I will write more) and I think I might hate my bio. Should I just use it anyway? Suggestions?
I figure this is like music ... scary in front of big audiences at first, but with another 5-10 years of training and throwing things out there, l should be established (faster would be better). .
Thanks in advance for any feedback. Harsh is OK. I've studied with some tough professors and I have 4 teens/young adults (can anyone be more direct than a teen?). The site is Copywriting Authority - COPYWRITING AUTHORITY
Andrew Gould