Frustrated with the Stickies

2 replies
Hey all,
Newbie copywriter and I just worked my way through the stickies over the last week. The storytelling topic seemed to take up the most space, and it is proving to be a huge challenge for me.

Could I pick your brains about telling a story throughout my website. The only examples I can find seem cheesy or too cutsie. I notice most of your websites (the money-making copywriters) are simplified, to-the-point and don't seem to focus on storytelling. At least not as a site story as a whole.

I am writing my first product to exchange to build an email list, and I am designing the website for this.

Can I ask for advice on telling a selling story with my site that isn't cheesy? or yuppie? or too "creative-writing-junior-college-major, Stephen King-worshipper, journal-every-thought-on-Facebook, Etsy-loving kind of story?

Or point me to some resources?

#frustrated #resources #stickies #storytelling #website advice

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