[A Brain Teaser for Copywriters] Spin Something Old into Something New
Pretty much everything marketing-wise has already been written about or talked about in one way, shape, or form. One of your biggest jobs, as a copywriter, is to constantly spin old content into something fresh and new without coming across like you're plagiarizing other people's work. Some days, that's easier said than done.
So, I have a challenge for you on here. I want you to use your brain in a different way than you may have used it in the past to come up with fresh, new spins on content.
Here's the topic you have to write about: How to Improve Your Blog's SEO Using Social Media Marketing
Now, rather than jumping to the usual "tried and true" content you would use to tackle this topic matter, I want you to go at this in a completely different way. Pull out your dictionary (preferably a good, old-fashioned paper dictionary), close your eyes, open it up to a random page, and with your eyes still closed place your fingertip somewhere on that page on top of some random word. Now open your eyes. That's the word you're going to use to discuss a new way to improve your blog's SEO using social media marketing.
To clarify: you're not flipping through the dictionary several times to try to find a "relevant" word that you're familiar with. No. What you're doing is sticking with that initial random word and figuring out a new way to make it relevant to this topic matter. That's called true creativity. That's how you can spin something old into something truly new.
So, tell me: what was your random word? Post your word here and tell me how you plan to relate it to the topic matter listed above.
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.
Aspiring copywriters: if you need 1:1 advice from an experienced copy chief, head over to my Phone a Friend page.
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Grow Your Copywriting Skills & Network with Other Copywriting Professionals - Join us at the Copywriters Forum
Grow Your Copywriting Skills & Network with Other Copywriting Professionals - Join us at the Copywriters Forum