Pay for a copywriter or pay to drive traffic and learn and optimize
This is my first post and I apologize if this has already been covered extensively. We are launching an online program in a health food niche. The program content will include classes, webinars, meal plans, etc. After a playing around with a meal delivery model a la Blue Apron we are changing to make it all digital. I have a budget of $1500 for the site and landing page copy and to get it optimized. My question is, do I hire a copywriter to write the main page and landing page, or do we create this ourselves and use the $1500 to drive traffic and optimize the pages? We do not have a current site. We took down the old copy. So we have little to show and guide the copywriter.
My partner wants to work with a copywriter immediately to help us formulate what we are offering and how we are different. I think we should be able to get a rough landing page and then the funds are better used getting clicks and letting actual potential customers lead us, and then have a copywriter help us finesse the language.
I understand I am posting this in the copywriter forum but any input is on the best way to proceed would be appreciated.
Thank you
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