How To Compete In A Flooded Market
sales letter.
You're doing some research on how to best position the product when
you realize there are already 15 other products that do exactly the
same thing as yours does... Whoops!
How can you sell your product in a crowded marketplace? I'm going
to show you. Just read on.
It's all about positioning.
Joe Sugarman is a genius of positioning. One of my favorite ads of
his was for a thermostat that was just plain ugly.
When the ad was written, thermostats were starting to use LCD's and
had nice buttons and were just plain nice.
But he had chosen to sell the "Magic Stat Thermostat" which had
none of these features. So how did he sell a "clearly inferior"
product successfully?
His headline read "Magic Baloney". He then tore into the thermostat
with everything he had. He explained why he hated the thermostat...
until he realized how much better it was than all the rest.
So, by positioning the thermostat as something ugly and old, he was
then able to turn people's minds around. He didn't start out by boasting
about how great the product was, just like everyone else. He wouldn't
have sold a single unit like that.
Turns out, people just wanted a thermostat that was easy to install
and lasted forever. That's what he gave them with this ad.
As you can see, if you position your product differently than all
the rest, you're going to create something worthy of being bought.
Take the time to find out why people would want to buy your
product, then create a unique way of letting people know about it.
When you do, you're onto a winner.
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