Do This, Not That...
What does that mean?
Here's a very simple example to show the differences:
If Bob is reading a sales piece about your new polar bear spray that is designed to keep bears from eating him...
and he's kicked back in his recliner with his feet propped up sipping coffee...
while your piece is going on and on about how big polar bears are...and how big their teeth are and how big their claws are...and how fast they can eat you...and 115 people get eaten every year by bears...and you should always carry a can of this...
and to get Bob to order right now, today, this minute, like pronto type stuff, you offer him a bonus of free brass knuckles valued at $149.
Then another bonus of a free baseball bat valued at $99.
Then finally a third bonus of a free first aid kit...
then go on for 6 more paragraphs about a guarantee and how anyone can send their obituary and the unused portion of the bear spray back for a full refund...no questions asked...
then recap everything from beginning to end for 12 more pages.
In all reality, Bob probably isn't sitting there in frozen terror while he grips the arms of his chair reading your sales piece.
If, on the other hand...
Bob is actually standing face-to-face with a polar bear on a frozen tundra somewhere in Alaska...
micro thoughts are flashing through his mind -
So tall...big teeth...OMG claws...the smell...my family...tell them I love them...I'm done...
he's trembling, his heart is pounding a million miles an hour - - - -
and suddenly, from a few feet away, you hold up a can of your bear spray and quietly say: "Hey Bob would you like some bear spray? Just wondering. No big deal either way. I don't know, you might like it."
Does anyone think Bob would slowly turn and ask: "Are there any bonuses if I order right now?"
A very simplistic example, but it obviously shows one method is aimed towards prevention and the other is aimed towards a cure.
When you offer a prevention, you need to build desire, motivation, interest, and a ton of other emotions.
When selling a cure, you simply use the emotions your customer already has.
Offering a cure can be very powerful.
What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
Bill Grover
Grovers Copywriting
What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.
What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.
What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.