10 replies
I'm a tree climber who travels around Texas doing freelance Tree Jobs, removals and trimming. Obviously being a free lance climber I have to market for my jobs, mostly online marketing, but this year I'm having door hangers and flyers printed.

Being new to marketing and learning as I go, I need some expert help.

Would someone be generous enough to help me create some headlines for flyers and door hangers? I know the benefits of my service, I'm just not a professional or great at constructing it into sentences that will sell.

Benefits of my business:

We can raise the customers property value by trimming their trees.
We make their lawn safe by removing hazards in their trees.
We improve the health of our customers trees.

About Us:
We are a small company focused on quality work.
We are ISA Certified Arborist and Master Tree Climbers.
We are more affordable than the big companies.
We are insured, licensed, and bonded.

I'm looking for headlines and slogans that will sell. If you are a creative person and can quickly generate some quick ideas for me, my ears are all open! Thanks for your time!
#generating #headlines #service #tree
  • Here's the problem....

    You are brand new. And the first thing you do is ask a favor...a BIG favor.

    Writing copy is what these guys do for a living. If I went on a tree service forum and asked for someone to do me a favor and cut down a few trees for free, I'd get laughed at.

    If it were me, I'd find ads from people who are successful doing what you do. Study their ads (mostly online).. Take what sounds good.

    You can also go on ChatGPT and ask for a dozen headlines, and a slogan.

    That's where I'd start.
    One Call Closing book

    What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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  • tbh the generosity zone has way more subscribahs, mosta whom don't even know the frick is gowin' on.

    Thing is, you cain't expect natchrl influx of anythin' less'n you eithah an indispyootable saint or a totally vacuous hole.

    (Note to self, plus also caahsmaahs: I ain't decided on this ishoo rn.)

    Likely you gonna get ansas here, but GOOGLE COPYWRITERS NEAR ME is the surest deliverah of immediately practical options.

    You get lucky, you may discovah Bob Bly lives 3 miles away an' gaht smacked in the teeth by the Freebie Fairy.

    You get REAL lucky, he had Frank Kern, Joanna Wiebe an' Drayton Bird sleep ovah -- along with their totally clood up pets.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760665].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SARubin
    I agree with Claude. A polite guest doesn't just show up at a dinner party without bringing something (a bottle of wine? Flowers?). Maybe at least knock on the door and say hello, before walking in and raiding the liquor cabinet?

    But, this is a marketing forum so I get where you're coming from. And to that end I'll offer you a tip to get you started...

    It looks like you already have a few headlines...

    Originally Posted by NeighborhoodArborist View Post

    Benefits of my business:

    We can raise the customers property value by trimming their trees.
    We make their lawn safe by removing hazards in their trees.
    We improve the health of our customers trees.
    Turn those benefits into headlines...

    Raise Your Property Value by Trimming Those Ugly Trees

    Remove Tree Hazards Around Your Home Before They Cost You $1000s of Dollars in Property Damage

    Improve the Health of Your Trees With Surgical Pruning by a Certified Arborist

    There you go brother, I just gave you 3 headlines you can split test.
    If these are the benefits you speak of, and if it's what your customers really do care about, then put it out there in big bold print, and let them know how you're going to improve their lives.

    Anyone who has these concerns will at least give you a few seconds of their attention. Especially when they get home and see those ugly trees they've been meaning to get trimmed. And your flyer is right there in their hand.

    And that's what a headline is for. Calling out your target audience and offering them something they care about, when they care about it.

    Then your copy builds on that promise, and gives them a reason to contact you for an estimate.You can even use the "about us" part of your post here to build some of your copy around.

    Hope that helps (next time at least bring dessert to the party )

    Grow Your Copywriting Skills & Network with Other Copywriting Professionals - Join us at the Copywriters Forum

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    • This my friend, was great advice, and some great ideas, and you also got me to look at things in a different sense. Excellent response, appreciate the feedback, help, and lines, to split test!
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    My opinion...

    you don't need a fancy headline when selling a service like this.

    'We go out on a limb for you' and headlines like that aren't necessary.

    Just say what you mean...

    'Do you need a tree cut down or trimmed?'

    Get to the point. If someone needs your service you'll get their attention. You're not going to get business from someone that doesn't have a tree to cut down regardless of how cleverly you try and word your headline.

    Next, if they're interested, they'll wonder if you're a fly-by-night company that will pull up in a rickety old pickup truck with a couple of guys jumping out looking like they just left the local bar...or if a tree you cut down is going to fall through their roof...

    so you'll hit your credentials hard. Some bullet points (that you mentioned), a couple of good pictures of your company at work, a couple of testimonials, and of course a number to call.

    Also, I would suggest a coupon that expires to get them to take action sooner than later.

    Sometimes, especially with a service, it's best to just keep it simple and don't overthink things.

    Edited: corrected my wording
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    My favorite tree service years ago was named

    Out on a Limb

    In the ads for 'Lewis Tree service' and "Bud's Tree Service" - the name stood out.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      My favorite tree service years ago was named

      Out on a Limb

      In the ads for 'Lewis Tree service' and "Bud's Tree Service" - the name stood out.
      I like that.

      My thinking in this, is if you're doing door hangers and going door to door handing out's best to just get to the point.

      The other fancy stuff can be used for your company branding on your website etc. for when people are actually searching for you. Here you're going to them.

      A million different ways to do things and I'm sure others will have different opinions.

      I remember one time I was looking for someone to unlock my car years ago and did a google search...

      most places just went on and on about how good they were. I landed on one site that simply said 'locked out of your car?' of course I clicked.

      Places with good marketing will have several landing pages and show you the most relevant according to your search. 'Locked out of your house' 'need locks changed' etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Originally Posted by NeighborhoodArborist View Post

    I'm a tree climber who travels around Texas doing freelance Tree Jobs, removals and trimming. Obviously being a free lance climber I have to market for my jobs, mostly online marketing, but this year I'm having door hangers and flyers printed.

    Being new to marketing and learning as I go, I need some expert help.

    Would someone be generous enough to help me create some headlines for flyers and door hangers? I know the benefits of my service, I'm just not a professional or great at constructing it into sentences that will sell.

    Benefits of my business:

    We can raise the customers property value by trimming their trees.
    We make their lawn safe by removing hazards in their trees.
    We improve the health of our customers trees.

    About Us:
    We are a small company focused on quality work.
    We are ISA Certified Arborist and Master Tree Climbers.
    We are more affordable than the big companies.
    We are insured, licensed, and bonded.

    I'm looking for headlines and slogans that will sell. If you are a creative person and can quickly generate some quick ideas for me, my ears are all open! Thanks for your time!
    Why do people have trees trimmed or removed?

    Not too many reasons for this. Most are fear-based. Most are taken action upon because the problem is happening NOW.

    Consider levels of buyer awareness.

    There is the person who is ignorant of the fact that there are problem trees in their yard. They don't know trees are dead, limbs are storm damaged, etc. I wouldn't try selling to this person. If I was going to try, I'd encourage them to talk a walk around their yard and look at the trees. See if they'll self-identify problems.

    Then there's the person who well knows there's a problem. But it just isn't urgent. So they aren't going to do anything about it. Not unless you come along and offer a "Stupid Easy" way to say Yes. In this case, I would be concerned with a lot of callouts to do estimates, only to find the homeowners say, "Thank you, we'll be in touch when we need you." People love to waste your time this way.

    And at our best level of buyer awareness, we have the small % of people who know they have a problem, and it's urgent that they solve it. They might not be able to afford your help, but at least they know they need it. There is a portion that is aware and wants to solve the problem, but has not been actively searching for a solution. These are included in this category. I would focus my effort here.

    Dead Tree? You Don't Want to Find Out You're Liable for Damages...

    Broken Tree Limb You KNOW Needs Removal?

    Afraid That Tree's Gonna Fall On Your House...Or Maybe On Your Kid's Head??

    One Day That Tree Will Fall...You Know The One. And Where Will It Land, Exactly?

    Stuff like this.

    These are really basic. But they're at the level of buyer awareness anyone who qualifies can understand. You can refine them.

    Have a simple message your ideal customer can understand. Make it easy for them to take action. Maybe a line following that talks about a minimum charge (don't call it that)...

    "Most Trees Removed For Just $400!"

    ...or a range...or some other verbiage about guaranteed, licensed work etc. to make people feel comfortable about calling you.

    And then a phone number.

    But it's the emotionally-driven offer at the top headline that does most of the work.

    Don't put too much on the hanger. Don't give them too much to do, or give them the opportunity to open a can of worms. Remember the Call To Action: You want them CALLING you. Don't send them to a website where they can indulge in mental What Ifs delaying games. Just the offer, a supporting line to help them feel more comfortable about talking to you, and then the phone number. Maybe in construction yellow, black text, a simple tree/arborist logo. Keep it easy to understand.

    Start with a minimum batch of a couple hundred, 500, don't invest too much. Test that offer. Go to tree-filled neighborhoods to maximize your chances (you have no idea how stupid people can be, dropping these things off at apartments etc.). Talk to homeowners if you can to get real live feedback. When you have a winner, that's when you print a ton more and scale.
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    • Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      Dead Tree? You Don't Want to Find Out You're Liable for Damages...
      Uh huh, I dated that guy.

      Like once.

      Neat buncha headlines here.

      Given the right opportoonity, most people gonna behave like vampires steada zaaahmbies.

      But they would nevah seek such accolades.

      "I naht a zaaahmbie" is a monstah subtext in so many CTAs.

      I ain't bein' SOLD, I jus' SMART.

      This intrinsic BETTER THAN (my past self, my neighbor, "them", the frightful alternatives) tip point is a feacher of so many cool headlines.

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Of course you should have offered us all at least $17,979.00 - our standard tree - I mean fee plus royalties for our copy prowess.

    Or an all day breakfast.

    Or a free tree trim.

    But if you don't ask you don't get. And it was a good "ask."


    Use all the above advice.

    Kays "Out On A Limb" is ace.

    Mine would be "Branches Everywhere" - not quite as good.

    My other thoughts...

    On the front of your fabulous Flyer - do a before and after - picture or graphic.

    Or a pic/graphic showing a tree pole - axing a house. With a pic/graphic showing how this could have easily been prevented.

    On the back here are a few quick ideas for the copy.

    Ask the esteemed potential client to go into the yard and look at their trees. Point out the dangers to be aware of.

    If they see problems - then call you.

    Highlight all the benefits you offer (including all the ones you mentioned in your post).

    Friendly, helpful, understanding service.

    No pressure.

    But emphasis all the damage unruly trees can cause.

    Tell them to do regular weather checks - if high winds are forecast - it would be wise to call you.

    Expert advice - no cost. And no cost quotes.

    Mention the one horror many will have - you'll take away all the debris.

    And if the customer isn't delighted - maybe they don't have to pay.

    Indicate you are getting "booked up" - so get them to respond on the hurry up.

    Try and offer a free gift if they have the good sense to ask for a quote.

    It could be a discount.

    But better than giving money away.

    Give a "tree" type something.

    A "How to look after trees" booklet.

    A keyring - tree shaped.

    In the UK we have tree shaped car fresheners.

    A mug that says "Tree Time"

    Endless possibilities.

    Yours is an evergreen (Yea I know) service.

    You could just go to a neighbourhood - look at the wonky trees - and there's your top notch prospects,


    P,S. Something worth remembering - Flyers do not have to be a standard size.

    The bigger the better.

    And great if you give them a small magnet to bung it on the fridge (those slackers who don't call immediately will be constantly reminded).

    And stating the rather obvious - you could make them Tree Shaped.

    After all your people want to see you as the Tree Sculptor.
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