Split for different autoresponder message sets

2 replies

I was wondering if anybody could suggest how I could go about testing two different autoresponder message sets using the same website if possible.

It would be the same niche (IM) and the same products but the autoresponder messages would be different (one would have some free ebooks, the other one would have a short IM course).

Is it possible to split test 2 different autoresponder message sets for the same market (same affiliate products) and using the same website (want to keep the same design but maybe change the heading and content)? Any software or autoresponder companies that provide this feature?

Or do I just simply have to create 2 websites on 2 different domains?

Thank you.

#autoresponder #autoresponder messages #message #sets #split #split testing
  • Profile picture of the author Flierboy
    You can do split testing of BROADCAST emails in Aweber. You can configure Aweber so that 250 subscribers get one version and the other 250 get a different version for example.

    Say you have a list of 2000 or more. You can test your emails on a set of 500 subscribers like this. And add the best performing email to your autoresponder sequence for your entire list.

    As far as I know Aweber allows split testing of broadcast emails only. Not sure if you can split test entire autoresponder sequence though.
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  • Set up two A/R's

    When you sign people up you can split them to either one A/R sequence or the other. You can use http://www.Google.com/websiteoptimizer to do the splitting for you.

    Send one series to page A, and one to page B.

    Put the conversion code from Website Optimizer on your "thank you" page.

    Optimizer will give you a clear picture of which series is closing better. Compare the results.

    Edit: Oops! I didn't catch that it was for affiliate products.

    Do everything the same, but use a tracker on the end of the affiliate id (if possible--ClickBank and some other affiliate programs allow this) to show which series did the most sales.

    If you CAN'T track sales that way you can create a re-direct page on your own site that picks up the clicks and then redirects to the affiliate site. This allows you to continue using Website Optimizer to track clicks to the affiliate site even if you can't track actual sales from each source.
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