A small but (I think) important request
I've noticed something interesting and I have a small request.
If we, as copywriters and fellow marketers have contributed to you in a meaningful way in this sub-forum, please do us a small favor in return:
Hit the "Thanks!" button, please.
It's a win/win all 'round.
First, we who contributed to you, feel acknowledged at the highest levels. You literally make our day.
Second, you will (by default) get even more insight, advice and information, because we feel we have contributed and been acknowledged. And we may have even more to share.
Third, those folks just "listening in" on the conversation will learn even more.
Yes, you may say thanks in a reply post and we're absolutely grateful.
But what some people (usually future Clients) focus on is the "Thanked X Times in X Posts" numbers. That stat shows enduring credibility, acknowledged expertise and a strong desire to add to the knowledge-base of the community at large.
In other words, it represents reputation, expertise and authority.
All it takes is the click of a mouse--and worlds of knowledge, expertise and experience will open up to you. And everyone else.
I promise.
- Rick Duris
Learn IM From the Experts Who Are Already Doing It!
"Sammy-approved, baby!" -- Offline Brat Pack
Jan Weingarten
Substitute "damn" every time you're inclined to write "very"; your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain
"Sell the Magic of A Dream"
Jan Weingarten
Substitute "damn" every time you're inclined to write "very"; your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain