49 replies
"It's Time To Bite The Heads Off Your Competitions, Chop Away Their Remains, And Spit On Their Dead Corpse."


The Rich 16-Year-Old's New Millionaire System
#jerk #move #rich
  • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
    Originally Posted by Mark McClure View Post

    "It's Time To Bite The Heads Off Your Competitions, Chop Away Their Remains, And Spit On Their Dead Corpse."


    The Rich 16-Year-Old's New Millionaire System
    So you're holding this up as an example to emulate?

    Hint: Check out the testimonials. You'll find these folks selling their integrity on fiverr.

    'Nuf said.

    - Rick Duris
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  • Profile picture of the author Mac Deyak
    there is a right way to drive it over the top and then there is this... I'm sorry but that letter reads: hype -> scam!
    funny that she's an 'innocent 16-year old' promoting this...

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  • Profile picture of the author sambakker
    Yea this promo is just not right lol. Ethically the dude who hooked this up should be chased by the FTC. I wrote a review on the product here The Rich 16 Year Old Millionaire System Review | sambakker.com got it just so I could write a review on it. The copy is very good though. I would be interested to see what kind of numbers the product is doing.

    Create high quality sales funnels in minutes http://iglooapp.com

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    • Profile picture of the author dannyadams
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      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
        Would of thought of richchick.com would of been better for branding.

        Seperate topic than the ethics involved.

        All the best,
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  • Profile picture of the author dannyadams
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  • Profile picture of the author Coach Borche
    The only explanation i have is that the "dude" behind the scenes is targeting 16-18 year old's.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
    "And yes, I'm still an innocent 16-year-old girl "
    And under that...

    My name is Carol Nguyen. Yes, I'm 16. Yes, I'm rich. Yes, I'm bratty. Yes, I'm spoiled. Call me whatever you like!
    Nuff said.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark McClure

      Er, no, definitely not to emulate lol.

      The 'copy' is dripping parody all over the place... auto-playing video, annoying audio clips, sarcastically ironic teen angst.

      Basically, a complete p#ss-take. That's all.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2517352].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
        Originally Posted by Mark McClure View Post


        Er, no, definitely not to emulate lol.

        The 'copy' is dripping parody all over the place... auto-playing video, annoying audio clips, sarcastically ironic teen angst.

        Basically, a complete p#ss-take. That's all.
        Oh good. I'm glad. For a second there, you had me worried.

        - Rick Duris
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  • Profile picture of the author colmodwyer
    Her voice drops quite significantly on the exit pop-up. Interesting...

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  • Profile picture of the author Rock Solid
    Meh readers have gotten quite wise to "the best internet monies scheme in years nets you 100 billion in 13 seconds"

    It seems that honestly is becoming quite rare when it comes to IM, maybe honesty will sell well soon?
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    • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
      Originally Posted by Rock Solid View Post

      Meh readers have gotten quite wise to "the best internet monies scheme in years nets you 100 billion in 13 seconds"

      It seems that honestly is becoming quite rare when it comes to IM, maybe honesty will sell well soon?
      "Honesty is not only the best policy. It is rare enough nowadays to make you pleasantly conspicuous." - Charles H. Brower, Chairman BBDO
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    • Profile picture of the author steve48135
      Originally Posted by Rock Solid View Post

      Meh readers have gotten quite wise to "the best internet monies scheme in years nets you 100 billion in 13 seconds"

      It seems that honestly is becoming quite rare when it comes to IM, maybe honesty will sell well soon?

      After seeing what threads get clicked the most in this forum alone (ones with outrageous claims) and what products are bought the most, I don't think people want honesty if it doesn't make them fast cash, they buy on hopes and dreams. They will continue to do so and the lies and hype from the product "creators" won't stop anytime soon.
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      • Profile picture of the author LeeSteese
        Sad but true. Same with the best selling products. It's always this latest gimmick or fad or that one. The stuff that actually will build a good business but requires effort, time and work doesn't seem to do as well. Troy White actually just wrote an article about it the other day on Makepeace's site.

        Originally Posted by steve48135 View Post

        After seeing what threads get clicked the most in this forum alone (ones with outrageous claims) and what products are bought the most, I don't think people want honesty if it doesn't make them fast cash, they buy on hopes and dreams. They will continue to do so and the lies and hype from the product "creators" won't stop anytime soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author ASCW
    That was interesting....

    Site being revamped.

    If you want help with copy stuff, pm me.


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  • Profile picture of the author Xmas
    This has a lot of replies if nothing else.

    Too over the top for me.

    I like to beat the competition as much as the next person. I just use a bat like in the good ol' days.

    spitting out body parts is to cannibalistic to me

    James Christmas

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  • Profile picture of the author Marc Rodill
    Paid testimonials are disgusting -- disclosed or not. I think they should be illegal. Why is it okay to say you made $250k in 40 days... if you didn't?

    Just because you were paid, you can say whatever you want? That's downright silly. Not saying it hasn't been done for years and years, but I find it shocking that's *allowed*

    Ace job finding the fiverr guy though. Yay credibility.
    Long Lost Warriors! The Secret Sales System! Act Now! Buy Now! Right Now!
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  • Profile picture of the author colmodwyer
    mshort08: I will tutor you in basic algebra and general math for $5 at Fiverr.com

    I have received an "A" in all of my math classes... I will tutor you in 15 minute sessions for 5$, buy 5 times for an hour.
    Awesome. Just awesome.

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  • Profile picture of the author sambakker
    Lol just found this to. This is sneaky


    Create high quality sales funnels in minutes http://iglooapp.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Sean Fry
    Frauducts like this make for a great argument against pen names.
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    • Profile picture of the author LeeSteese
      How is this any different vs what advertisers have done on tv for ages? They hire actors to talk about how great a product is. Flo may or may not even use Progressive, nor any of the people who appear to be shopping for insurance from her.
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  • Profile picture of the author steve48135
    Just found this!!!!!!
    The guy doing the video review fortherich16yearold is selling reviews and things on fiver

    mshort08: I will take a picture of me holding a sign saying whatever you want for $5 at Fiverr.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Scott
    Fascinating how people will sell their self-respect and integrity for five bucks.

    We have a word for that in my country... prostitution.

    Although at least most hookers charge more than $5.

    It's a sad, sad world out there sometimes.


    Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.

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    • Profile picture of the author LeeSteese
      I'm not trying to cause a fight, but I wonder how what this guy is doing is any different vs what an actor in a TV commercial does. It's essentially the same thing. I know that we get offended because all of us feel that at some point we have been tricked into by piece of crap products by shady marketers, I have been. At it's core though I don't see how this differs from a TV actor talking about soda, toothpaste or any other product that they may or may not use themselves.

      Originally Posted by Daniel Scott View Post

      Fascinating how people will sell their self-respect and integrity for five bucks.

      We have a word for that in my country... prostitution.

      Although at least most hookers charge more than $5.

      It's a sad, sad world out there sometimes.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2533414].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Scott
        I think the difference is that first of all... these actors have to disclose they're being paid to give these testimonials. I'm not sure about online; I've never been part of any project with made-up testimonials.

        Secondly... I'm (fairly) certain you can't just make up results.

        You can say...

        "I think this program is great!"

        You can't say...

        "This program made me $xyz!" (unless it's true)



        Originally Posted by LeeSteese View Post

        I'm not trying to cause a fight, but I wonder how what this guy is doing is any different vs what an actor in a TV commercial does. It's essentially the same thing. I know that we get offended because all of us feel that at some point we have been tricked into by piece of crap products by shady marketers, I have been. At it's core though I don't see how this differs from a TV actor talking about soda, toothpaste or any other product that they may or may not use themselves.

        Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.

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  • Profile picture of the author jewel3000
    Ummm . . . I'm sitting here reading all of these comments, just STUNNED. I don't normally divulge client secrets, but I am the ghostwriter behind these two ebooks: Traffic Giant and Project New Millionaire. (I hated the front covers the client gave me for this material, so I'm glad to see he rebranded them with new graphic design work.)

    Thank goodness the Warriors here who've actually read these ebooks said the manuscript was well-written!! Because you all are ripping my poor client's marketing approach to shreds! lol

    I didn't know anything about the 16 yr. old angle. Obviously, I didn't write the sales letter. And I must say that if I had, using the persona of this 16-year-old girl, you definitely would be calling this the new "Rich Jerk," and not as a joke. Man, I would have written the bl!p out of this.

    Okay, now that I've gotten those "pebbles out of my shoe," here's what you might find interesting? Helpful? ...

    I've been approached twice in the past year by infopreneurs wanting me to write them a "Rick Jerk"-type sales letter. (I think my bent for literary storytelling is what convinces them that I'm the copywriter they need.)

    The people who've asked me to do this are extremely sharp and savvy Internet marketers. One in particular had my head spinning, telling me different *b*l*a*c*k hat tricks of the trade, stuff he wanted me to write into his ebook.

    And then we talked "the persona" for his sales letter.

    That's when I realized that most of use don't know jack. And you know what "Jack" says: "You can't handle the truth!" (about the Internet marketing underground).
    SEO Copywriting Services | Content Writers @ CopyClique.com
    Sales Letters | Web Page Copy | SEO Articles | Blog Posts | Reports | Ebooks | Press Releases
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    • Profile picture of the author Harlan
      Hey gang,

      I'm in Israel at a seminar with the heads of Clickbank.

      We were discussing various products on CB and they displayed a very detailed knowledge of the products being sold.

      And then...

      I asked them why they allowed such an obvious fraud as the 16 year old girl site and they said, "Oh we've never heard of it."

      I said, "I guess you never noticed it advertising on the first page of Clickbank."

      Do I believe they don't know about the massive fraud in these sales letters.



      Harlan D. Kilstein Ed.D.
      Free NLP Communications Course at http://www.nlpcopywriting.com
      Get Fit In Four Minuteshttp://just4minutes.com
      Learn how to build a Super Site Without SEO http://supersiteformula.com

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  • Profile picture of the author ballking
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I think the copy is very good though. I would be interested to see what kind of numbers the product is doing.
      If you can't believe the copy (and you can't) how could believe the numbers? If you can convince people crap is gold, you can sell crap all day long.

      Do I believe they don't know about the massive fraud in these sales letters.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author KEKilpatrick
    Thinking that the sales copy was written for teenage boys, young men and old pervs...

    ("How does making more than $236,000 in just 2 weeks without ever putting on more than a T-shirt and underwear sound to you?") Written by a 16 year old girl? Yeah, probably not marketing to adult women here...

    I call shenanigans... [Click the play button to hear me say shenanigans]

    “Until the 20th century, reality was everything humans could touch, smell, see and hear. Since the initial publication of the charged electromagnetic spectrum, humans learned that what they can touch, smell, see, and hear…is less than one millionth of reality”

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