18 replies
Know of an outrageous headline?

Can you make one up on the spot?

Please post them up below...
#can you make #headlines #outrageous #outrageous headline #outrageous headlines
  • Profile picture of the author Pusateri
    "Bat Bomb Makes Women Prettier and Men More Virile."

    I used that several years ago on eBay to sell a dozen copies of a book called Bat Bomb.

    I did it out of frustration after headlines based on the book's content failed utterly.

    I think it worked because first it made them curious, then it made them laugh, which made them read further to see what other outrageous claims I would make. It was all done tongue-in-cheek. I think getting them to laugh made them more receptive to my copy regarding the actual content of the book.

    Whatever the reason, I was glad to be rid of Bat Bomb.
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Had this one running in a classified ad section
      of a local newspaper under Lawnmowing Services...

      "Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue...Are Your Lawns
      Making You Blue?

      Did very well for me.

      Got the idea from a guy who had a subscriber list
      where he would share outrageous ad ideas.

      We would go out and test them and come back with the results...

      ...Great stuff!

      Sorry I forgot his name...he would have little reports selling on EBay.

      People loved them.

      All the best,

      Update: Glenn Osborn did a case study of my ad in selling his
      copywriting course.

      He changed my name to Roger.

      Anyway heres the copy taken from his sales letter,
      and the link to the whole piece.

      FOR MEN ONLY - NLP Ad Case Study: Roger from New Zealand reports using the Roses Are Red Poem. The one you just read at the TOP of our offer. To get many more phone calls - from WOMEN and men both - for his lawn care biz.

      His WINNING ad goes something like this: (We won't give away ALL his secrets here.)

      "Roses Are Red,
      Violets are Blue
      Has Your Pimply Lawn got You Down?
      Call me - Roger in to SAVE You.
      Ph #

      Roger reports a WEIRD side effect to his cheap NLP ad. His love life has improved a great deal. He's getting calls from attractive, affluent, lonely women home owners.


      As We Repeat over and over in all our Big Red Nose ring Ezines, NLP Programs and e-books - BE CAREFUL!

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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Brighton
    "How To Live Forever. 100% Guaranteed."
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  • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
    " If every wife knew, what every widow knows, every man would have enough life insurance "

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    • Profile picture of the author Nick Brighton
      Originally Posted by enterpryzman View Post

      " If every wife knew, what every widow knows, every man would have enough life insurance "

      "I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is your widow will get to hear the bad news..."
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      • Profile picture of the author Zentech
        OK, right off the top of my had...

        Quadriplegic Army Vet From Deadfish, Alaska (Pop. 22) Makes $822.41 Per Day Working From Home Selling Snow On eBay, And For The Next 7 Days ONLY, He'll Introduce You To The Gold Mine In YOUR Backyard.
        * Stupid Offer: Killer Sales Letters ***$897*** Just For Warriors. Ethical Clients & Legit Products Only. *
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
    "If this doesn't make you horny enough to run outside and bang a smokin hot babe and make her sweat like a bitch on heat then boy do I have news for you"


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  • Profile picture of the author Jag82
    (New York Post, 1982)

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  • Profile picture of the author JasonTai
    "Man falls in river chasing one-legged goose"

    Was just passing some time and came across that. Here is the full story

    BizarreNews.Org - Man falls in river chasing one-legged goose

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