I like features...
When I'm in shopping mode, and am reading copy, I scan for features. I especially do this with IM stuff, so I can get a sense of what I figure a product "really" is.
Like, if I see that something has a directory of 75,000 somethings that I need I'm like, whoa, cool, that's a lot of somethings! Features do work very well on me sometimes.
So, yep. Here's my shout out to compelling features, as a shopper. But, now that I think of it, features probably work best when one already knows the benefit of them.
And if one isn't so keen on the benefit of a feature, in swoops the copywriter to artfully draw one into the other.

Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.
Direct Response Copywriting
Occupation: Best Copywriter Ever.
Clients: Matt Bacak, Jim Edwards, Ryan Deiss and more.
"Novels with a Twist" Win real Gold, Cash and Treasure