14 replies
Anyone know what a drop cap is?
#cap #drop
  • Profile picture of the author mattlaclear
    Is it similar to 'bust a cap'?

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  • Profile picture of the author Cam Connor
    Originally Posted by The Niche Man View Post

    Anyone know what a drop cap is?

    It's a capital letter at the beginning of a chapter or on a website that drops down like 3-4 lines.

    This draws your reader to the first letter of your copy, and then gently moves them into reading the rest of your copy. It definitely helps to increase readership. :-) I've used this technique with just about all my clients. It works.
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  • Profile picture of the author tiwi
    Thanks a lot for the example patey88, makes it easier to understand ^^..
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  • Profile picture of the author uswah
    in desktop publishing, the first letter of a paragraph that is enlarged to "drop" down two or more lines, as in the next paragraph. Drop caps are often seen at the beginning of novels
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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
    There's this marvellous new tool on the market - called "Google". You just enter your enquiry - like "what is a drop cap?" - in inverted commas - and it gives you the answer - instantly.

    That's going to revolutionize everything, I think.
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    • Profile picture of the author Doceye
      Copy Nazi,

      Go easy, bro. Niche man was probably looking for a bit more "inside" elucidation than the big "G" could deliver. And what the sam heck is someone with Nazi in their name doing in Paris? I thought the Allies chased you guys out of there back in the Forties.

      All in good fun, my man ... but, Jayzeus, be nice.

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      • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
        Originally Posted by Doceye View Post

        Copy Nazi,

        Go easy, bro. Niche man was probably looking for a bit more "inside" elucidation than the big "G" could deliver. And what the sam heck is someone with Nazi in their name doing in Paris? I thought the Allies chased you guys out of there back in the Forties.

        All in good fun, my man ... but, Jayzeus, be nice.

        Rubbish. Theres MUCH more information on Google. For starters there's this beautiful site - Daily Drop Cap ...then there's a Wordpress plug-in to make drop caps -
        WordPress › Drop Cap Shortcode « WordPress Plugins and then Microsoft shows you how to do it in Word - How To Article: Drop Cap and that's just 3 entries on the first page - out of 445k results of a search in inverted commas of "drop cap".

        BTW my branding has nothing to do with WWII and them there National Socialists...but everything to do with "The Soup Nazi". Google it.

        And I don't do "nice" - I do "get a clue".

        Pip pip...Tallyho.
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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      Originally Posted by The Copy Nazi View Post

      There's this marvellous new tool on the market - called "Google". You just enter your enquiry - like "what is a drop cap?" - in inverted commas - and it gives you the answer - instantly.

      That's going to revolutionize everything, I think.
      Thanks for informing me about the revolutionary Google search, but when I asked the question I wasn't just looking for a generic Google definition.

      I was also looking for a "Warrior" personal experience, example or explanation. Otherwise why don't we all just go to Google search instead of the Warrior Forum.
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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4069991].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
        Originally Posted by The Niche Man View Post

        Thanks for informing me about the revolutionary Google search, but when I asked the question I wasn't just looking for a generic Google definition.

        I was also looking for a "Warrior" personal experience, example or explanation. Otherwise why don't we all just go to Google search instead of the Warrior Forum.
        Ah...well then you're asking the wrong question. If you'd asked "Does a drop cap improve readability" or "Does a drop cap on a salespage draw attention to the para?" or "Does a drop cap improve conversions when you use it in the para just before the buy button?" or even "Is there a Wordpress Plug-In for drop caps you recommend?" you might get some lively discussion.

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        • Profile picture of the author LiamElliott
          Funny story, this post actually ranks on the first page in google for "what is a drop cap.
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  • Profile picture of the author LemonSqueezy
    Originally Posted by the copy nazi

    There's this marvellous new tool on the market - called "Google". You just enter your enquiry - like "what is a drop cap?" - in inverted commas - and it gives you the answer - instantly.

    That's going to revolutionize everything, I think.
    haha, very true.
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  • Profile picture of the author briancassingena
    You know what? I like this thread. Because most people would just google something out of fear of looking stupid. Well done for asking mate, there's no such thing as a stupid question
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    • Profile picture of the author wilmath
      Open Office has a drop cap command. You can access it through the format menu.

      CorelDraw also has it
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