Information Marketing for Copywriters

10 replies
What's the best information marketing material you have found to help create your own products and market them?
#copywriters #information #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen

    If I had to pick one, it would be the "Content Summit" DVDs from Eben Pagan's Guru Mastermind Masterclass.

    There's a 2009 and 2010 version. Both are excellent.

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  • Profile picture of the author rockone
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    • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
      I recommend Steve Slaunwhite's book, Starting a Web Based Business, as an excellent start to setting up an information marketing business. He covers the basics very well.

      I have used it to start my information marketing business.
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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    Originally Posted by ThomasOMalley View Post

    What's the best information marketing material you have found to help create your own products and market them?
    My friend Jim Staw asks that question to make a point about subjectivity.

    As someone who has spent the past 20 years developing Information Products and marketing them in a variety of ways, including IM and offline, I'm always on the lookout for new and different takes on Information Marketing.

    Instead of saying this is better than this, or this is the best, let me offer up several choices which, when combined, give you powerful tools to help you develop and market your Information Products.

    I agree with thos mentioned and I also like Marlon Sanders.

    A good low cost overall view can be found in Ben Suarez 7 Steps to Freedom II, you can find this for a few bux at amazon.

    Jimmy Krug has a good report as does Jimmy Brown and Jim Straw.

    Dan Kennedy's books are useful to the Information Marketer.

    But my very BEST advice is to locate a few successful people who are marketing the kind of information product YOU want to create or acquire and do a study of their methods and techniques.

    Also, YOU determine how much you are going to sell your stuff for and whether or not you are going to create a family of products and an ESCALATOR from lower cost IP to higher cost well as the LIFETIME VALUE of your customers.

    Are you going to focus on a specific niche?
    Be a general IP marketer?
    Use other people's stuff?

    The clearer you are about what you want to do, the easier it will be to find the BEST model to follow, someone who suits your personality and style.

    Also, will it be strictly ONLINE? Or will also do some offline marketing?

    All or mostly virtual products? Or hard copy sent via Mail or Delivery?

    Sometimes, I know, I can be a broken record...but...

    the more thought out your plan is in the beginning...the clearer your goal and how to reach it...

    the better you are able to choose the BEST courses, gurus, information and techniques annd methods to use.

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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Originally Posted by ThomasOMalley View Post

    What's the best information marketing material you have found to help create your own products and market them?
    Anything by Bencivenga is worth it's weight in gold - he's probably the best copywriter there ever was - his track record shows it. If you can get your hands on a transcript from his retirement seminar, jump on it - it's like the holy grail of everything you need to know.

    Also, since our work is "sales in print", something everyone surprises me how very few actually take the time to learn how to be a great salesperson.

    Why wouldn't that make perfect sense?

    For starters you could read any book by Zig Zigler - he's one of the all time great salesman. There's many more, but you could start with him...

    ...because if you learn how to be a good salesman, the writing part will be a snap, I guarantee it...

    Being a good salesman is what separates those looking for work, and those who have work looking for them.

    I guess for most who sell courses, it's easier to just sell the roof shingles then it is to worry about the foundation.

    Just a few of my personal thoughts.
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    • Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      Why wouldn't that make perfect sense?

      For starters you could read any book by Zig Zigler - he's one of the all time great salesman. There's many more, but you could start with him...

      ...because if you learn how to be a good salesman, the writing part will be a snap, I guarantee it...
      Ziglar is great. Having been in sales for (way too) many years I suggest Tom Hopkins books as well. If you get on his mailing list you'll get a lot of good info.
      Marketing is not a battle of products. It is a battle of perceptions.
      - Jack Trout
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  • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
    It's quite old now and isn't targeted at online marketing but Dan Kennedy's information marketing seminar is the best thing I have listened to. It covers principles that can be applied to any medium and also covers how to run your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author redapple
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    • Profile picture of the author Cam Connor
      I haven't read it personally, so I can't attest, but I've heard good things about The Millionaire MessengerThe Millionaire Messenger . I know Eben Pagan recommends it, and no one can call him an unsuccessful information product marketer.
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