Long form Vs Short Form
When does a short form letter become a long form letter?
Everyone I've asked so far has their own views...so what are yours?
I personally think that once a letter gets past around 8-10 pages, your looking at a long form...but even some clients think that is too long.
Is long form only long depending on the niche? Or just what the client perceives?
My coach always told me that a letter is as long as it needs to be to get the message across - which I have to agree with...one letter I wrote ended up being 16 pages long (I totally surprised myself, I thought I might get to around 12 pages)...
And then there are clients who don't want letters going over a certain length, or those who ask for a minimum or exact length - which is just plain stupid.
Answers on a postcard please!
EDIT: Just to eliminate any doubts or confusion:
I 'GET' it, I'm not stupid (Just in case you guys are thinking that) and am asking for a specific page count of when you think short copy becomes long...
The reason why I am asking is that in the past I have written letters where clients have come back and asked me to cut them down - one I remember being a total pain because client asked me to make a 16 page letter short, so I edited down to 12 pages and he said it was still too long...so in short (pun intended!) it ended up being 8 pages after which I refused to cut it down further saying it would lose the ability to effectively sell his product.
And this has happened to me a few times. I've even had people asking for letters of a certain length...
Which is why I am asking!
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