"Magazines" NOT Made Equal?

2 replies
OK - So you know the deal about how "editorials" often out-pull straight up ads?

Well, I got this gig where the client advertises in a bulk rate "magazine" where the whole magazine is... only ads.

I mean, it's like 63 pages of full, quarter, half and other space ads. Home improvement stuff. You've may of seen it.

Would it be contrarian to run an actual "article"? Yes.

But would it be effective?

I can hear it now...


OK - I hear ya, but what has been YOUR experience? (If any?)


#equal #made #magazines
  • Profile picture of the author ASCW
    who reads the magazine?

    Are all the ads home improvement?

    Site being revamped.

    If you want help with copy stuff, pm me.


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  • Profile picture of the author Marc Rodill
    That's a good question. I'd guess they mail to homes of a certain value. Unfortunately I haven't been able to hit them up for a media kit because they don't reopen until the third. I'll know more then.

    Yeah it's all home stuff. Pools, doors, fencing, heating & cooling, garage, windows, roofing pretty much anything you could think of for homes.

    Which leads me to believe it's not very targeted, but what do I know?


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